whuzzurp · 4 points ·
There's a special place for ***s like them

whuzzurp · 0 points ·
I see that you have mostly been downvoted. But as a Greek I think you are not too wrong here, buddy.
What I am saying though is that it's not right how the Greeks are being treated by the media and foremost by the Troika. The demands are not justified. And not every Greek citizen is lazy. Nowadays most of them just really want work and can't find it and it's gonna get worse. So just don't become part of the hate propaganda. If EU stands for something good then that would be solidarity and not just profit.

whuzzurp · 1 points ·
Yeah it's really shitty of the current government to play the "*** the Germans" card. Yes, Merkel, Schaeuble, the Troika, they're all evil ***s. But I think by blaming it all on other countries "we" are just trying to get away easily. Instead of acting like a rebel Tsipras should raise the taxes on the rich ***s and not just sensationalise the whole thing. For ***s Sake. Ich hoffe, dass die Dinge besser werden aber leider glaube ich nicht wirklich daran...

whuzzurp · 3 points ·
The economical structure is a different one. With interest rates that high and income at an all-time-low the economy can't possibly become strong enough to pay back. So the EU saying "here, accept to be ***ed in the ass and we'll give you more future debts" is not really a solution. Expand your horizon, Greeks are not after you lol.

whuzzurp · 2 points ·
which Brittany Reese, there's so many of them :?

whuzzurp · 0 points ·
Wow this chick is next level retarded

whuzzurp · 12 points ·
Coming from a Greek living in Germany: We do not hate on you guys. We just get really pissed at those of you who would rather side with the banks than the common people. Greece had immense cuts and raises in tax rates in the past years. This basically crippled our economy. Now you the EU wants us to cut even more - that is not sensible. And yet some of you take their side because "MAH MONEY, TEHY STEALIN MAH MONEY DEY LAZY PIGS"

I'm sorry we messed up. Now you could you not be ***s? I hope you realise Germany made many mistakes that you were pardoned. Don't be egoists. We're trying.

tl;dr it's not about the Greeks (it could be anyone next) but about being solidary to one another. Did you forget who the actual enemy is?

whuzzurp · 1 points ·
The king is under attack by the knight. Stalemate occurs when one of the two sides have no legal moves and yet are not under attack

whuzzurp · 2 points ·
It's okay. Have an upvote so you're not at 0 anymore

whuzzurp · 4 points ·
It's a joke dude. It's a knightly accolade. And it's actually pretty smart - I say that as a chessplayer.
