Wookieman · 9 points ·
She's going to be playing sarah connor in the next terminator reboot...

Wookieman · 1 points ·
as a half-polish history major i can appreciate this...

Wookieman · 1 points ·
apparently they had time for dat...

Wookieman · 3 points ·
And I still have yet to see an atheist actually ignore and let someone post their beliefs without posting something critical in response... especially here on Huge lol...the amount of anti-religious posts is ridiculous...

Wookieman · 1 points ·
Oh I see Atheists killing millions and millions of people because they are part of the proletariat, or Christians, or Muslims, or Buddhists, or gay, or mentally deficient, or a burden on society, or speak out against the collective, or try to leave...oh wait that DID happen for seven decades in almost half the world...

Wookieman · 0 points ·
sure we have done some really stupid things but as humans we have accomplished so much and achieved so many advances and innovations to preserve our planet and make it safer and livable...to categorize mankind as a whole as stupid is both ignorant and not even funny or even slightly witty...humankind is a beautiful thing, the pinnacle of creation...

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Wookieman · 0 points ·
nooooo...it's in case he falls into a really big puddle...

Wookieman · 2 points ·
what's the "ortodox" Bible...first...second check the book of Revelations in the catholic and protestant Bibles...plenty on the end of the world...been a Christian for 20 years...not a noob...

Wookieman · 1 points ·
Kim Jong-un finally came out with his first symphony...
