wubberz · 1 points ·
Still waiting for it to continue

wubberz · 1 points ·
sauce on the 2d grills?

wubberz · 1 points ·
People don't act like these characters are anything special though.

wubberz · 2 points ·
how did you do this so well in so short time

wubberz · 1 points ·
It doesn't get any better than that

wubberz · 0 points ·
Competition among women is for the top 20% of men, competition among men is for the top 50% or so. It's easier for a woman to be a sexually viable option. The rule of thumb is: don't be fat.
A woman doesn't have to be stylish, doesn't have to be very fit, doesn't have to be confident, cool, or humorous. She just has to consent. Nigga. That's all. It's easy riding.

Women don't have to present their value in order to attract a mate. They. Just. Have. To. Not. Be. Too. Unattractive.

Nobody gives a ***ing shit if that 7/10 *** is particularly fun, cool, nice to hang around.
We just care that she has a ***able appearance. And as you said yourself: men aren't as picky as women.

Idek what the *** we're talking about here you're a blue-pilled moron if you think women have it anywhere near as hard in terms of sexual value. Don't be a ***ing moron you *** ass piece of shit. Suck my dick and kill yourself l o l peace out nigga

wubberz · 0 points ·

wubberz · 0 points ·
Make a tinder of a slightly below-average looking woman and a slightly above average looking dude and see who gets more matches.

wubberz · OP · 2 points ·
responsible adults who protect their children from evil internet nazis

wubberz · OP · 3 points ·
We have to be responsible
