Wychor · 3-Year Club · 2 points ·
Nah, being considerate is just being a decent human being.

Wychor · 3-Year Club · 7 points ·
> not even drinking
Why bother

Wychor · 3-Year Club · 2 points ·
Except if reincarnation was real anyone who would do something so terrible would be reincarnated as a worm.

Wychor · 3-Year Club · 2 points ·
A year should have 5 months of 73 days and 73 weeks of 5 days

Wychor · 3-Year Club · 2 points ·
Do I wanna know? I kinda feel like I wanna know.

Wychor · 3-Year Club · 1 points ·
You really think it was about something as simple as a spill?
You really that naïve? You really can't extrapolate from the limited information?
You really REALLY think that an adult would risk the legal consequences over something that simple? You're really that stupid?
Please just do not reproduce. Not only will your kids be entitled little brats, they'll likely be complete retards as well.

Wychor · 3-Year Club · 2 points ·
You really think the employee wouldn't have tried the soft approach first? What I see here is a video cut perfectly so you only see the hard approach. No way the adult would go straight to violence and risk the legal consequences.

If you don't raise your kids then it is up to society to fix that. And if society doesn't then law enforcement eventually will. Cause once those kids turn 18 that sort of behavior can have serious consequences.

Wychor · 3-Year Club · 1 points ·
Congrats, you're raising an entitled brat that won't learn that actions have consequences. You're trash and your kids will be too.

Wychor · 3-Year Club · 1 points ·
If you weren't there then the employee did the right thing. You should have raised your kid better.

Wychor · 3-Year Club · 2 points ·
You should have whooped your kids ass before the BK employee could have responded.
If you were a decent parent you would make sure your kid wouldn't do something like that. That way an employee would never have to be in a position where they'd have to whoop your kids ass.
