x90z75ek · 2 points ·
My whole life I thought 40 was "fourty"

x90z75ek · 3 points ·
Wait, shouldn't 14 be between 52 and 40?

x90z75ek · 2 points ·
Does thou do what thoust hast come to do from which thou comes to do what thoust must does?

x90z75ek · 1 points ·
At first, loss memes kept getting more and more simplified until it was just lines. Now they are getting more and more elaborate. We've reached a new stage of evolution.

x90z75ek · 3 points ·
Was expecting loss

x90z75ek · 2 points ·
The price of gold is currently around $62 per gram, so just a small house sized pile of gold would be way over $51.4 billion.

x90z75ek · 3 points ·

x90z75ek · 1 points ·
Now I really want to know what the question was.

x90z75ek · 18 points ·
The ending caught me off guard.

x90z75ek · 1 points ·
Batrick: *starts eating really fast*
Teacher: "So, you have chosen death"
