xX_bors_Xx · OP · 2 points ·
thank u

xX_bors_Xx · 1 points ·
does anyone know what's actually the matter with this issues?

xX_bors_Xx · 1 points ·
howdy crabb

xX_bors_Xx · 2 points ·
Broccoli and cauliflower are absolutely amazing. One of the best vegetables. Brussel sprouts on the other hand are the worst ***ing food I've ever tried. You know in cartoons when characters throw up because something is that disgusting? I though it only happens in cartoons. Well, it happened to me. Those little ***ers should be treated like absolute degenerates they are.

xX_bors_Xx · 2 points ·
Classic boomer

xX_bors_Xx · 2 points ·
that last pepe is so adorable uwu

xX_bors_Xx · 1 points ·
not at all, I actually liked seeing they fight each other, that was pretty cool. I just feel like the whole movie is a build-up for the next movie but not like infinity war was, but in a super slow, dull motion, without anything very important happening in the end, even tho there did happen a very important thing. It was so chill for me, I didnt feel any tension or any emotions watching it. But it's not that I dislike it actually, I just like it the less from all the MCU (if you can say that). Why is it your favorite?

xX_bors_Xx · 1 points ·
I dislike civil war the most personally

xX_bors_Xx · 3 points ·
post malone is inspired by him

xX_bors_Xx · 5 points ·
Do you want to talk about it?
