yoghurtjohn · 2 points ·
Agreed, orcs in Tolkiens work are like old Hollywood Nazis: Faceless cruel punching bags twistest into fighting in a war of destruction and domination that will leave all worse off afterward inspired by the hope that maybe if they can be cruel and loyal enough the dark lord might reward them with a lash to serve as slave driver in the new world.

yoghurtjohn · 4 points ·
I am sure you will find it someday, fren.

yoghurtjohn · 1 points ·
I am always annoyed when my child gets killed by playing with a doctor I left lying around at home

yoghurtjohn · 2 points · *
Can confirm. Embrace the yoghurt. Claim your destiny.

yoghurtjohn · 2 points ·
Sugar just do things to a man

yoghurtjohn · 9 points ·
Honestly not calling out the weird guy drinking his daily pickle water is kinda wholesome

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yoghurtjohn · 1 points ·
It's about littering, not CO2. Caps seem to be often lost, thrown away separately, etc., from the bottle and can be easily fixed by this measure. For illustration, a report on garbage found on several beaches.

yoghurtjohn · 2 points ·
