yousernam · 1 points · *
fake, there is no car on the second lane and he's driving on the third, it's just something the american mind cannot comprehend

yousernam · 1 points ·
or I follow you home, and turn your dog into dog'nt

yousernam · 3 points ·
you need to provide more details for people who don't know: rotten birds stuffed into a seal

yousernam · 3 points ·
you have talent, you should be a dog scientist

yousernam · 1 points ·

yousernam · 1 points ·
Well, if all the people who know me are shit and they don't consider me shit, then I'm not shit.
All the interactions in my life are done with a mutual respect and love, no negative feelings towards eachother.
Being shit is, as every human attribute, - being annoying, being beautiful, being trustworthy etc - subjective.
You might go to a different culture and think, that everyone is shit, but in fact they live a perfectly happy life.

Being something == other people considering you something, we are social animals

yousernam · 1 points ·
Ok, I'll take the bait, and assume you do not comprehend what a shit person is, and you're not just arguing for the sake of being le troll.
If, from all the people that know you, few consider you shit, then you are not a shit person

yousernam · 1 points ·
Except if you are a shit person, you'll have a shit life and you'll make other people's life shitty. Don't be a shit person.

yousernam · 3 points ·
As someone who served at the military fire department said: firetrucks run on alcohol

yousernam · 1 points ·
Unless you're an orthodox priest, then the state is god
