zipzap · OP · 3 points ·
I was wondering that too

zipzap · OP · 2 points ·
haha right! I'm glad you get it

zipzap · OP · 57 points ·
dude whats your problem? its pretty funny that a comic from 2012 could predict so accurately what happened this morning. Its part of electronics for everyone to copy everyone else. the comic says absolutely nothing about buying or not buying. your comment is pointless and off topic

zipzap · OP · 1 points ·
How the stereotypical "feminist/unreasonable woman" responds. Actually most feminists are right on and have good philosophical believes... its just the extremists who give them a bad name. I was just annoyed at the new video of a women who was walking around New York and the comments people made at her. There were a lot of inappropriate comments but there were also a lot of perfectly good clean comments from people who were being nice. Yet if any were from a man they were "unwanted harassment"

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