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In the morning men wake up with a boner and women wake up with a yawn
Last one :<
I've been expecting you.
Damn screenplay
The best revenge ideas
And I know its very evil to take women's life source, attention.
Every time this guy tweets i fall a little more in love
Nice coat.
Just Carlos and Gaby
The Eunuch Test......I think he failed
Deep thougths
Everyone laughed till they were blue in the face
Smart move, Pedobear
Obama Sushi
Why is her head so tiny?
You've got mail!
Watch out, we got a badass over here!
Because manners are overrated.
Internet cafe
Sorry, couldn't help myself
It's hard to achieve a level of stupidity where you yourself realize you're stupid
Here you see 3 judges clapping with their hands, and Niki Minaj with her ass
Like a boss
Thats racist!
Me coming home from school
He's really not a gentleman.
Catching a tram
Not even once
The moment the cat realizes it's doomed
Gotta catch 'em laser pointers.
Bet he didn't drink his own piss.
The poor kid !
Enjoy your thumb while it's still young.
It was him all along!!!
Just saying..
I can relate to this (except for the fruit laptop)
On every exam !
Thanks Tumbler 2.0
Sneezing is the human mating call.
Hell yeah
Oh, no busted
Altho that Kim guy Is pretty mockable....
Chinese whisper
True Friendship
Skateparks can be dangerous.
Cats are jerks
Grand Theft Boston
Most people need to do this
Can your cat do this?
Quit looking dammit !
Aaaaand I just earned my 500th ticket to hell.
When I catch my parents talking about me.
Drake f*cking Bell
Best comment ever!
Those b**tards
Such a badass!
So beautiful.
"Why won't she come in and make me some dinner?" lol
Now, that's racist.
Me when the family comes home from a week-long vacation
Eat a Snickers
Wise Arnold
Good question kid
Oh Jesus
The Bearded Dragon, Destroyer of Nopes
DubStep Kitty!
Seagulls these days...
Because I hate how everyone thinks we're all terrorists.
Wait for it...
Works like a charm
The Magic of Coffee
Holy sh*t, run!
Canada, Canada everywhere.
I think i laughed a little too much
Tarzan is scared
I do this all the time
Well Will will?
'murica!! jk
Meme badly used but still funny :D
Awesome idea!
Seems legit
Haven't seen this guy in a while.
Best facebook comment !
Why would you shave a rabbit...
Lizards in clothes
I love this book!
Scumbag USA
This actually makes more sense!
Spider caught itself a snake
Bing. You must never go there.
Well, I would date him. With his mask off, anyway.
It's physically impossible
No power? no problem