We hereby summon...Moon Moon...


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What it really was about
This bugs me sometimes.
Complains about brain
Disney physics.
Meanwhile on YouTube
People nowadays
What the f*ck tumblr
Ninjas: The unseen helpers
Where?s that 3rd hand coming from?
Me exploring HUGELOL without being logged in..
How very witty.
IGN rating system
Meow. Meow. MEOW.
Dude, go push that riot control guy... it'll be funny...
Best possible stereotype to have
Give this man a medal!
Browsing Fresh while drunk.
Tumblr gold.
Helping each other
Deal with it
Perv Dog is on his duty
How to be Black
If you insist
Next up on animal planet...
This is literally my best picture of zombies on the internet.
Tagging photos on facebook
My first and last post:) FAIL
Questions questions...
He deserves a cookie.
Silly Humans
I'll be black.
Me at a motel in New Zealand
Screamers: The Most Sad Story Ever !
I don't want to live on this planet anymore !
Tumblr being Tumblr
The feeling you get as you misspell something obvious.
Young adults: Then and now
They are called notfunny cartoons
Aparently god hates Saxophones...
And That's Why I Love C&H
Without head
Where are you looking at ?
Definitely not how I thought it would end.
I found this gem on twitter
They also rape seals
The monkey experiment
Sudden realization
Corgi - Profession: Masseur.
Will be removed, only for testing purposes
It's the little things in life...
Anime stereotype
Ohhh, so sweet, they are going to get married
Oh you know, just hangin
Have you tried it?
Pure happiness.
The truth behind sloths.
When i want to kill someone
Chuck norris is a joke now.... well... I mean other than that he was already.
One can never be too sure !
Found Moon Moon at the beach
Tumblr strikes again
What is it?
Oh Tumblr
I don't wanna lose my helmet!
I think we need an exorcism over here.
In the morning men wake up with a boner and women wake up with a yawn
Last one :<
I've been expecting you.
Damn screenplay
The best revenge ideas
And I know its very evil to take women's life source, attention.
Every time this guy tweets i fall a little more in love
Nice coat.
Just Carlos and Gaby
The Eunuch Test......I think he failed
Deep thougths
Everyone laughed till they were blue in the face
Smart move, Pedobear
Obama Sushi
Why is her head so tiny?
You've got mail!
Watch out, we got a badass over here!
Because manners are overrated.
Internet cafe
Sorry, couldn't help myself
It's hard to achieve a level of stupidity where you yourself realize you're stupid
Here you see 3 judges clapping with their hands, and Niki Minaj with her ass
Like a boss
Thats racist!