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No. My childhood isn't ruined.
I laughed way too hard at this
Dat ass
I'm thinking that no necrophilia should be added in there somewhere...
I always wondered
But i want you..
Drunk ideas at it's best!
Oh Tumblr
Choo choo motherf*cker.
F yeah
MRW I do a group project all by myself
Dealing "pot" by a mall cop. TROLLOLOLOL
Speak your name demon
Thanks, Obama
Good guy teacher
When the teacher is looking for someone to answer a question
Yo dawg
Math first, ladies later.
I mean I didn't see my parents putting the tire swing up
Speaking of child stars....
The professor has the answer
Sounds like a party!
Rogue is a tiny bit jealous.
My day-to-day life
I'm confused and dizzy
Every day
Just walking trough
Try to wake up ya cat
We have all done this
Dammit! Moon Moon!
Onions are important, man
Know ur Place!
/b/ on cheating
What I think of EA after a game of FIFA
Don't CHA!
BBC. Go home you're drunk!
Second day at the gym
Double rainbow.... Whait what?!
He's a special kind of wolf.
What happens when you manage to finish surgeon simulator
Elephant prankster
What a musical cat
Original bad luck brian
No comment
The Best comment ever
Everyone should be able to relate... besides orphans
Lol'd hard
The original Moon Moon
Extreme hammocking
Dear Hollywood, stop raping horrormovies.
Still progress though!
Whenever I see a repost
Jaa Danmark
Sharks can smell it
Owned :D
I would have done so much more....
I don't know why this made me laugh.
Love that wolve
So true
Something Something Danger Zone
So many instances to use this
F*cking media wronged me.
Duck birth
Somebody call the Witch King, we just figured out his trick!
I wish more celebrities felt this way... about everything
The public is in danger
Trust me , I'm a Doctor
900 Years of Time and Space
Tarantino logic
Big cats are a**holes, too
...get your $&!# together!
It's a lovely day to be a bird.
Empty holes of nothing
A very awkward handshake
Well... yeah.
I also like to lift dangerously
My reaction to every insects post :c
Youtube Gold
Still better then twilight
You underestimate my power
Poor kitties
A+ in fansubs
Pup holder
Chuck is done.
Lend a helping hand
When you see it...
Life is what happens while you are using your smartphone
I wish facebook would have this option..
Jessie's hair logic: rotated her body 180 degrees but hair still pointed in the same direction
You should be always grateful.