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Send them to the army!
Surprise butt-sex
Come at me bro!
Having kids
You... monster!
Well.. i think i'm impatient
Well... sh*t...
Also known as "Automatic Freedom Launcher"
Seems pretty accurate to me...
Double D
Wise Words
Not even they won't him
Dude, uhm... can i seat here?
Happens to much.
This is just sad
I will find you and f*ck you up
Clever, clever indeed
So a guy walks into a bar...
Gamer Rage
You have a dirty mind (2)
Now you have no excuse not to
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha- No!
First his parents, now his cookies..
At least he isn't cat woman
Revenge is a dish best served wet
When I'm asked why I don't watch reality shows
Ring ring, soldier reporting for booty
Faith in humanity restored.
The revenge is sweet !
Now in GIF form.
Poor Boromir :(
People putting spoilers on facebook for Iron Man 3
The cycle of life!
Cool story bro !
Whenever I'm on a diet...
Best joke evar
Never forget how it all started..
Mind is blown
I didn't read the book.
Poor Timmy.
Didn't expect that
True story !
Sorry Jack
Well is it ?
Camera doing push-ups
Damn Barbie playing it coy and sh*t!
Dealing with attention-wh*res!
R-r-r-r-rick rolled
I used to kill people, now I sell fruits and vegetables
When my mom tells me to clean my room
Poor human being.
Must Suck To Be You Today.
35 in dog years...
Wise words from a wise man
Very pleasant to the eyes
And still... people are buying his "songs"
Wanting to join a band?
President Obama is a troll. Who whould've thought..
How to get girls
I vaguely know where the kitchen is...
Selfmade bazooka to the face
This is amazing
Dat look
Deep throat teacher
Who do we need to pay to make this happen?
This man is a legend.
F*cking cats
Go home Sloth
It sure does
I must rewatch all episode for more hint
When Swag levels reach critical.
These guys alone deserve a movie!
Spy of the year
Courtroom Speak
Don't even try to peep.
Time-lapse GIF of Patrick Stewart aging over the last 20 years.
Insanity Good Guy Greg
Pretty good excuse
Now that you mention it...
Or a missing liver...
Satan , calm down
Something you only see in the movies
I wonder what she thought might happen
When the teacher says we can leave early but only if we don't make any noise
Balls. He got some.
Opposite Day
English 101
Gamers will understand..
Errybody was kung-fu fighting
I love this guy
Ffs bro..
Where will you be when acid kicks in?