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Wait!... wait!!...wait!!! you mother***er!!, we challenge you to a rock off...give us one chance to rock your socks off.

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Useful information
This one was in foster's home for imaginary friends bowling episode
More is better, right?
When you wake up from a dream in which you are falling.
My favorite video on the internet
If ever
Just Telling Everyone
Runs in the family
M-47 Striker Automatic Grenade Launcher? Cute. I present you Metal Storm.
I support Gary rights
Seems legit
Nothing lasts 4ever !
Just a little disturbing...
Not all the generation is a yolofag
Alex, you motherf-
When I find a spider on my coat
Oh, you punny!
Pokemon battles in a single comic strip
Oh Tumblr..
How did it get burned???
When you ask someone for gum and they say no
"Why you do this?"
Bubble wrap
Just a cat waves to itself in the mirror
I've got my birthday plans
Steven, don't be a jerk Steven
Some social media users...
Mind = blow
Not very clear answers for the shampoo
Not being able to comprehend someone's vast reserves of stupidity
I was shot in the leg..
Wait a minute, this isn't the Batcave!
We can't deny this.
Asking the big questions
...Love her thou
How long will this deception last
Who wore it better?
Tumblr Gold!
What a scumbag.
Woof morning
Disney has had a lot of great characters, but this guy is way under appreciated.
Why ME???
MTV in a gif..
They see me rollin'
How I flirt when I'm drunk
Not that flat at least
Now that's just disappointing.
Freedom, motherf*cker! Do you speak it?
Here, have some cake
Me making an apperance at family parties
Some of the many reasons! :)
Send them to the army!
Surprise butt-sex
Come at me bro!
Having kids
You... monster!
Well.. i think i'm impatient
Well... sh*t...
Also known as "Automatic Freedom Launcher"
Seems pretty accurate to me...
Double D
Wise Words
Not even they won't him
Dude, uhm... can i seat here?
Happens to much.
This is just sad
I will find you and f*ck you up
Clever, clever indeed
So a guy walks into a bar...
Gamer Rage
You have a dirty mind (2)
Now you have no excuse not to
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha- No!
First his parents, now his cookies..
At least he isn't cat woman
Revenge is a dish best served wet
When I'm asked why I don't watch reality shows
Ring ring, soldier reporting for booty
Faith in humanity restored.
The revenge is sweet !
Now in GIF form.
Poor Boromir :(
People putting spoilers on facebook for Iron Man 3
The cycle of life!
Cool story bro !
Whenever I'm on a diet...
Best joke evar