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My worst nightmaer
that would solve everything
Dammit human, just let me taste you!
10/10 would wear
I laughed way more than I should have.
Bounce House
The reason why i love Top Gear.
Stephen Wiltshire
Damn FBI
The importance of oxygen
Coke will not be a fan of this
Hmm... wat?!
Good Ol' Mother Nature
Kiss my fist, motherf*cker
Know the Difference
How Disney Movies Should've Really Been Named
LOL. Bro, you deserved it.
Too easy...
Omg, Did that girl fell down.. is she alright?
Vietnam new steel bridge
I'll never look at butterflies the same..
I'd totally watch that cruel awesome show!
look a penny!!!!!!!!
One liner comedian Stewart Francis
at least he tried
Good/Malicious advice mallard
Yup, that's pretty much it...
left 4 dead + amnesia + titanic = this
Random facts
There's only one thing thick about me...
just some girly things
Most. Evil. Thing. Ever.
F**king Landlord..
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mike Jeffries
Seems legit..
*clap* *clap*
Busdriver, wait!
I did not see that coming..
Poop spider
Excuse me, what?
Real people
The Deluminator...
MC Jesus
no comments
she did some nice twerk to bring her down
As long as it´s not on a date...
Only in Australia...
Dinner's ready!!!
Mirror mirror on the car...
way too early
Mines.. They can make soccer more exciting
He's right
Me when my friends said drinks were on him..
Shit shit shit
Every time...
Good girl Jess Greenberg
90 Shades of Burned
I wonder who...
What a nice day
Should i cry or laugh?
Call this post a social experiment. Look in the comments to see why.
Training for beach 2013
Parenting at its finest
Poke of death!
This shot from the movie The General is the most expensive shot in silent film history.
Advice for girls
Shang was gay...
I get a dirty mind when i see a girl with such skills
A sudden plot-twist
Thank you actual advice mallard
The Justice League
You can almost feel her desperation!
She gave it a go, and that's all that matters
Zoo advertising done right
glad to know
How I feel submitting a post, ever since they labled it "Rising"
Call of duty multiplayer logic
aaannnnnndddddd six pack xD
For the glory of Satan!
I just clicked random boxes
the new pokemon x changes
Walked in on my parents having sex..
S**t! we lost gravity!!
Things are gonna get craaaazy!
You are what you eat..
The pug caught you playing with yourself
I'm getting tired of your sh*t Regina...
Thin line between a giant frisbee and a U.F.O
I don't even...
Will Ferrell at the finest
Niagara gone red
every day is a good day