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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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That 70's Show Finest
just look at the pic and laugh
youtube at its best...
The life of Justin Timberlake must be fun..
Who said anything about eating the wieners?
Because Deadpool, that's why!
Angry farmers
My reaction when someone walks in while I'm on my computer.
Sometimes you just....
That's why I love youtube
You have my permission to die now.
Batmo Biel
That sucks...
When someone tells me I'm too old for cartoons
Fite me irl bru
how fathers have nervous breakdowns
We all have that friend
I guess he did.
Feelings Hookers
Every F*cking Time
yeah son! i love this $#!+.
Rescue Vehicle
That Many?
if i'm thinking what i need to think about... then am i already thinking about it?
This guy ! :)
Bear Grylls as a kid!
The 12 Inch B
Being deadly and beautiful
Anyone else want an Otter-Minion?
Brian finally wins his first race
Suddenly a camera
Your eyes
A bird's beak
Good Guy Mosquito
what the hell mum!
Don't trust ANYONE
Saddest gif of the week
Steven seagal
Buuuuurn ..
Smoothest handshake I've ever seen
What gay actually means
That's not a dog
One ticket to hell, please.
Squidward knows it
who is the enemy
Let me go, the fish need me
Dat comment
Pay attention to me!
I really donĀ“t know why
When you receive your exam paper and you failed.
10 years of improved technology gave us round tits. #science***
Just a nightmare
Bicyclist logic
it was politically incorrect too
Yeah, children should be abolished
Saw this post from WADA***...
how to pick up girls
Listen you, I am the boss here
This food is so bland
Zombie cat.
Penguins of San Andreas
"I should buy a cap."
Rare footage of the secretive geekling in his habitat
When you're sitting next to your crush...
I hate 13 year old girls nowadays..
Am I doing this Right ??
Live dangerously
So I've got a new deodorant
the most American gif ever
so why cant we eat pizza everyday?
If you catch my drift
His face is priceless
Do people think that there's just random mirrors everywhere..
drake bell being awsome
Even more disturbing
Still a better lovestory than Twilight
Honey! I found the keys.
Whenever I know I'm right in a discussion...
When I see those 8 years old pricks with iPhones. You know what I had when I was 8?
When I listen to music while doing my chores
Just bussiness man things.
Oh. My. God.
This man is a hero
I don't even feel bad.
Atomic Rage
uhm... i uhhh.... i got to uhhmm... *gulp* go...
Tie in 5 seconds...
It's just not the same anymore...
Me when somebody discusses IT stuff
He didn't have a pants on the first place.
Aye Aye Cap'n
How to fold