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Is that wrong?
I think of Siri as HAL sometimes
Obama in Berlin
I will do it.
He has rehearsed it too much to let that happen.
her clothes used to be white
Fun plans for the weekend
There's never a bad time to whip out a guitar solo
Just Brad Pitt
That moment when you realize that you are Edmund.
What if..
After long relationship with black guy
Normal GF
Of course not ;)
This is really fu... ohhh shhh** shhh** !
Ultimate Armor
My relationship with my siblings.
Nice one Jake
This can ruin your date...
Take this, Gordon!
All lies
Pong with cars
Oh noo.
Where Yahoo is lacking in journalism, they make up for it in user comments
best pick up lines...
Dat comeback
They should remake pokemons with them looking like this
Whenever your opinion on the internet is different than what everyone agrees on
Ice King is such a hard worker
if only..
What are the odds...
When people tell you "Don't press that button!".
The Truth
Dream destroyed
hahaha still winning
i live next to an elementary school
As a German, I have to say this disturbs me.
And you have no excuse
FPS Games are for pussies my friend!
Graduation dog
When I misspell a word in hugelol
the real scumbag
Good Guy NSA
Pedobear has some competition
And suddenly... a pickle
Some dads ...
Lucky ***
This bird is an ***.
Classy, classy guy
Morning sex. Dropped this one on my fiance
rhymes and shit
I always want what my older brother has!
Star Wars EP. VII
And I shall call him mini me
When my GF finally touches my p
Don't joke like that!
Masturblazing or highjacking :|
nor am i god
spot the diference
Poor Leo
Batman in the sixth sense
And everyone will hate you...
Silly beers
So hardcore.
when my friend asks me to pass the joint to him
I'm not sure either
Watch as the wild peel catches its prey
Use a condom
Oh, The 70's
Not sure if scumbag...
Well.. yeah..
That's how I feel all the time
In parallel universe
How girls see me when i am trying to dance with them
frosty the snow man
He still uses apple maps.
dem tumblr feels
Lucky him...
Vacuum cleaner wake up
Lucky Ron
Extremist Hipster
Epic roundhouse.
Danger and puns
Mmmmm Ice cream
Catch Sparky! ...Sparky?
oh tumblr -.-
its in the bible
circumcision jokes aren't funny. cut it out guys!