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Can you please google what feminism is before you start calling me a monster?
I want equality not your dick in a jar.

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With the magic of TV we have Sauron live by satellite direct from Mordor!
Don't change the subject.
Clever, very clever...
Please, I only like silver !
In other news, giant birds are attacking the city...
Why not to ask advices on 4chan, chapter 1
When one of your jacket strings is longer that the other...
North West
Everytime I try to play cool
Yeah, I'm at a baseball game
Two types of beautiful people
When a girl says her boyfriend doesn't masturbate
badum tss
Beiber your diaper's full
Wrong Dexter
Asking girl out
When friends ask how did I pass on my final exams without studying...
It's the only logical evolution step
Stupid people are stupid
Well...Esinstein knows stuff.
She likes everything she sees!
College in a nutshell
Oh Heri, u naughti boi
What's that taste, love it
Na na na na na na
I like Stephen Kings weird sense of humor...
Friend of the year award goes to...
Just imagine it.
Good Luck
that guy =DDD
Misunderstood sun.
Dr, Jan Itor
i can't breathe =))
Some people...
Well I can't think of anything else
Myth Busted
spoderman pls
Third World Ghost Rider
bad kitty
Fire, stahp.
Took this gif and just added the text. I think it was a needed addition.
Deal with it.
no more exceptions apparently
whatch out we have abad*** over here
Switzerland - so peaceful
I'm still clapping
What Youtube's loading icon should be
National Geographic should write some article about us
Shyamalan's twist
I love this
Oh shit
His pupils are pretty dilated
'dem sneaky horses!
NASA's Space Pillow
Yeah , its signifies the cat is going somewhere!!!..
dafuq did I just read?
Silly Girl
Snuffed out.
It's story time
misunderstood Kanye
When I take my friends to the gym for the first time.
It's...not the use that!
In russia , people arrest you
***ing good!
Enough internet for today...
dat ass
Soo where's your phone
me too
Worth reading
tumblr really wants you to do it
problems of being a God
#Snowden: Epic troll status acquired
Einstein knew the shit.
sudenly nice thing happens 2
How most PC gamers think.
Look out... it's a gorgeous man!
I used to be an adventurer like you....
a week in a science
Interestin, fascinating, curiosity killed the cat
Ridiculously Sexy Ape-man
Dave Chapelle predicted fox news
How I love summer...
Nsa is watching you, have fun :) !
sudenly nice thing happens
She lived the Star Wars
clever plates
oh, the irony
Triangle explanation
it has started