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Sorry if I repost. No link required and I will delete it. Just don't lie. I have not been on in a while.

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God dammit.
I regret nothing.
When Building In Minecraft
How to dance to dubstep
I'd let him talk
Me studying.
Scumbag brain...
When i try to cook
Just think about it.
Truthful branding
Kermit wins!
Fidel Castro's secret for perfect hands
Anyone relate?
I did it for the Lulz.
Best Face Swap EVER!
Very true.
How to be white
That escalated quickly
tumblr- a site that teaches you about murder
The physical representation of having an argument with any woman
Oh How He Did Love Giraffes
As a girl I see this accurate.
cat from around the web
Damn it, Natalie.
Half Life 3 confirmed!
just put them on one page
Great idea
Bruce Waynermelon
Unsuccessful White Man
I'm done...
Snapple cap
Big J's livin' the high life
Successful Black Man's Son
Pizza requests are weird sometimes...
Seriously, what happened in the 80's?
when a low level person finds a good weapon
When you see your parents give your sibling money... "My turn!"
When you realize the joke was aimed at you..
Some people are really stupid, unless it's about screwing other people...
lol wrong formula
No really, what?
so much x files
Lv 1 characters in MMOs
Finnish speed trap.
Hangover <3
You know you're a computer addict when..
This is why I don't have friends... T_T
Enemy Spy is Sentry!
Step 1: Do not let the Lannisters plan it.
sometimes you just want to clean your room
The toilets at our biology institute
Hey check out my ney trick
You get a revolution! And you get a revolution! Everyone gets a revolution!
y u lie dove y u lie to his face!!!!!!
Oh Sh*t
Bananas: now with boners
Console wars... never change.
Didn't know black people could swim
When you were little and heard swear word
It's a me Mario! or is it?
When you're starving and your parents ask you what you want for dinner..
"Oh my God, Becky.... look at her humps."
It's just a case of bad lighting. DonĀ“t worry guys.
accepting your fate
Really smooth.
Deadpool vs. Spiderman
Parental reaction
I didn't choose the mermaid life...
"Maybe I can get a chocolate covered banana as well :( "
New position - Mantis style
Drunken Mutant Ninja Hobo...?
Once a year is sufficient...
I'm an artist he said
When people ask if i'm single
White people vs Black people
Manner, do you have it?
I give to you...The Nope Punisher
Real tired of these moon pictures...
Dog vs. Jehovah withess Part 1
no one knows how funny i actually am
Dog vs. Jehovah witness Part 2
WWII- the sequel
So that happened with Neymar
the downsides of evolution
Mr. Anderson... As you can see, I just can't seem to get this open...
What do girls want?
Just Neymar
skyrim logic
Awwwwww yeeeeaaaaaahhh!
I wonder if it explodes.
I did Nazi that coming