Time for some goddamn FREEDOM!


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Yourmomismyhoe2 · -1 points · 11 years ago · parent
You know we're number 10 in the most free economies right?

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very special day
True story
South Park's accurate depiction of broadcast journalism.
Did you know raindeers like bananas?
That's old!
Hide yo kids hide yo sigarets
Me in the club
*** yeah i am
I bet he tinkers with her Belle.
Good guy Jimmy
I tittered
I love this man.
Let me just pass this truck
Select, shift + drag you say?
Some things never change
you should know better if you are in a wheelchair
Well played
Now THAT's a good use for it
is this a fact or question?
Or when I reach the Front page!
Women nowadays
It's all in the context...
Damn you console war!!
when someone posts a sad picture or story
Don't like my posts... Well...
God, so derpy
Oh, I thought it was about something else. Thank you science!
You can be cool...
Note to Self: Cats Do Not Like Water
what the hell jerry
Boston. never forget Boston.
they will waffel the shit out of you
Pussy gets raped by tentacle monster.
One of the teachers was absent for photo day: they improvised
I'm Gon' Gitcha!
no creativity in tumblr
when i played tekken for the first time
What you get when you ask for likes
RickRolling in a whole new level!
the NSA will not know how to react
as a man: pretty much yep
The Mother of All Sand Castles
Pikachu GTFO!!
my favourite gif on the interwebz
You can't kill the dream
Great Game
no other explanation
That was unexpected.
only rocks
Cos he is a badass
very punny
Happy face title
Proof that The Simpsons knew it first!
Looks like their plans......Have been FOILED.
You've upset tits *SFW*
Tough one.
Looks like it's not confirmed after all.
Annoys me so much
When someone asks if I want a bite of their food
Like there is such thing
That would be the greatest Christmas present for...anyone
the post above me
i think i am a bad person
Just girly things...
close enough
know your coffee
I swear this is like 85% of boys on the internet
More likes than there are brain cells.
i need this film...everything seems so legit!
come on fight me in rl bro!
a difficult life issues
What is wrong with me? :'(
And now, let the butthurtness flow through the comment section
Smooth, Batman
Bill Gates' secret
Christian Dating. *insert eyeroll*
Strike me down, and I will be much more powerful.... or something like that, huh?
Too much skill.
You better not move your hand.
more tender in a dark alleyway
Probably one of the most WTF catch phrases I've heard in a video game (Borderlands 2)
Awesome design.
I can't hear the audio either because of the sobbing
Black Magic
Yes , that's me.
That's Wasist
As someone who looks up music on YouTube while walking around.
Keep trying Spidey
Hate work, love Ecards
he's on his own
I always thought... how could I have been so stupid?
Dinosaur mode , close enough
Forever aFAP
Happy Hallowen
The differences: CIA, FBI, KGB
This sums up the internet