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A stupid guy doing stupid things. I often post stuff from other sites, and when i try to make OC, i fail miserably and i am left to rot.
I hope you enjoy my shitty-ass posts.

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He's one of the best animated characters
Khat Drogo *puntastic*
And where the *** is the support?!
To all you haters
Thanks Obama!
Art Genius
If Zach Galigifianakis played Batman
Circular Pokemon
This is NOT a repost
Or Hal sent her on a trip to "Belize"
But I've been held to ransom before...
so girly
is actually fox news
Everyone should get an opportunity..
Hulk Wizard?
What will happen when GTA V is released
The more you know
Excuses, excuses
First attempt to summon boys to the yard. Will update with results.
Saruman wants to rock
Bomb pies.
Nigga, that's kawaii
logic, there is none
LoL community everyone.
the Batman fandom over the last 24 hrs
Why you do this?
So that's how it all connects
Ridiculously Photogenic Pilot
Don't look... maybe he'll will go away...
It's simple.
And then you moonwalk right outta there.
Society in a Nutshell
Fight me IRL, faget.
Getting some ass today!
Epic math teacher
Hate it when this happens...
CS Logic
seems like the stereotype is true.
Muslims should start drinking, that would calm them down
We all have those friends <3
The Last of Us Will Have Some Heavy Competition by the End of the Year
also true
You think this is a ***ing game? Where's my money ***?!
It's super effective!
Rule #1
Realistic sonic
I like you for your persomoneyty
Cat Hate and Spelling Errors
Next stop: Rio 2016 Olympics
Give us your feedback (once again)!
dirtymind queen
When I see a "trap" thread
This why i dont go out much...
Norway vs USA
the highlight of that movie
when I try to show off at gym class
Snail Parkour
get logic'd school
This was quite disturbing
Keep the sticker on -> Cap is swag. Can't argue with that logic...
if you don't get the lyrics...
90s kids strike again..
Who's Bill Murray?
Soda rocket mayhem
Every Time.
Please sir...may I have some more...
Hate when this happens...
New era, new methods
Science vs. The People
Ben Franklin not so amused
the pros and cons of living with your significant other
That s[hoe]...
Scariest face swap
That's an odd table centerpiece.
Trust me
Fun for all the family.
Late... again.
I thought this was America
Worst night out ever for this dude
Nerd vandalism
the outernet
i cri evrytiem
You dont want that experience...
That's some hard work to get to this point
Mine never works!
Say byegood to the tardre
When i see this in a game i get so excited.
Damn Hitler, you little shit
He´s sexy and he nose it