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Sorry if I repost. No link required and I will delete it. Just don't lie. I have not been on in a while.

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Wait a minute......
After realizing this myself for the first time, I fell to my knees and cried.
Hes still mad
I don't want any trouble, just give me the suit back
Spidey gets fooled again
Wise decision
That feeling when you hear screaming kids in a store (or anywhere).
Does he look like a ***
cause hes deaf
Anti Cat Missile in test
Now shut the *** up about video game violence
Well played WB
Fruit ninja!
Mom told me my room is filthy.
Level up
No burn heal can heal the sun.
Where's the white flag?
Here, hold this duck (And dat ass)
This is how you save a girl from a "Not So Dangerous" situation
trolling white person vs trolling black person
New job required a photo of myself in a suit for their website. I don't own a suit.
Thanks miley
Seems tasty eh?
Problem with real life
Hi there Satan.
I cry everytym
Lottery scratch tickets make good last minute Christmas gifts.
Meanwhile in Japan.
Not good under Pressure.
Truer than I'd like it to be.
How current iPhone users see the iPhone 5s
MRW a hot girl is about to choose the seat next to me in the bus
because fu that's why
breaking fat
Can't wait to turn 40 then!
He's going to need Cialis
Descriptive map of how America is viewed by Europeans
"It will be yours one day son"
Not sure if Malicious or Actual Advice Mallard...
It's a real tearjerker
Godzilla gets a little frightening sometimes
Prepare your anus
*** off grandma
Tenzin's Artifact
Does that count as a self-burn?
When someone is telling me a bullshit story
well isn't this ironic
What would you name it?
Max level or just horny?
Ben Affleck on the reaction to the Batman announcement. I'm glad he can laugh about it.
Hope USA will be next!
No! Not the Ps4! love me instead!
In the old days
That sucks
How I feel right now.
'dat subtitle (idk if this is a repost)
Attention ***s
That's her
Trying to out-logic a robot
Gay Power!
Nothing like bad education
That feel when you play against noobs
when someone burns the person you hate
Ssssssssay that again without the glass between us!
A friend of mine had to get tased in the air force. You could say she had her hands full.
Console wars in a nutshell
Who is desperate?
I guess so.
I don't care what anyone says, I love Gaga.
Gordon doesn't like it when someone won't delete their repost
When I'm drunk at a party and someone introduces them self to me.
I feel with you.
In every argument with a woman....
I am immune to your silly weapons, human
Rape is funny
That got awkward...
How i feel upvoting a downvoted post
At least his ears are safe now.
This is a title.
well... after 3 years I realized its not blue?
You're not yourself when you're hungry.
8. Trends in posts
selfish Frodo....
This is the most American toilet I've ever seen.
The war is on.