Unnecessary censorship


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Smooth in more than one way.
R'lyeh Funny, K
TV not even once
Excuse for homework
enter now to find out his secret
Down with Simon
Well thats one black coffee
How i feel after a 3 hour essay.
gabumon plz this is srs
Count your blessings.
The club cant handle him
Thanks, shorts.
"Hey dad,where is John McClane?"
WTF brain?
Thanks Obama.
Homework excuse
Do I care?
Had to re-read it. More than once.
Only God can judge you? Well, ok
Punk is not dead
When the Tank in L4D2 targets me
Looks like steve buscemi
Any more and they might burst
Moderators wanted! Read the comments for more information.
When people downvote post for no reason
When someone you think stupid makes a smart comment
The camera man doesnt carrot all
I'll murder your whole family
they evolved, now they can fly
I prefer 8yo but thanks anyway
Pfft, we all now Harry has a thing for Draco
From Crystalized Maple Syrup!
No bjs in my lobby
As you can see we have a white goat, and a black goat
This guy knows what's up.
You're grammar is faulty!
best pun ever
all the "flame wars"
One of those days
He was inches away from being expelled.
Just like when you put your snack on your ear and bite your pencil!
dat riceless face
This will happen
People who love Emperor's New Groove
oh nooooo, it's gone
Please explain
Badass right here
Just look at his face.
Oh James, you so bad
4chan never ceases to amaze me
99% will get this obviously duh
Fun Fact: bees are not flying letter B's
People who have more birthdays live longer
Well get another knife and fight to the death
Well at least we now know how the kids saw the Magic...
Canada is a magical place
Is this an acceptable Miley GIF?
Wouldn't that make breaking bad even better?
just cover your eyes and scroll past if you must
Wait a minute......
After realizing this myself for the first time, I fell to my knees and cried.
Hes still mad
I don't want any trouble, just give me the suit back
Spidey gets fooled again
Wise decision
That feeling when you hear screaming kids in a store (or anywhere).
Does he look like a ***
cause hes deaf
Anti Cat Missile in test
Now shut the *** up about video game violence
Well played WB
Fruit ninja!
Mom told me my room is filthy.
Level up
No burn heal can heal the sun.
Where's the white flag?
Here, hold this duck (And dat ass)
This is how you save a girl from a "Not So Dangerous" situation
trolling white person vs trolling black person
New job required a photo of myself in a suit for their website. I don't own a suit.
Thanks miley
Seems tasty eh?
Problem with real life
Hi there Satan.
I cry everytym
Lottery scratch tickets make good last minute Christmas gifts.
Meanwhile in Japan.
Not good under Pressure.
Truer than I'd like it to be.
How current iPhone users see the iPhone 5s
MRW a hot girl is about to choose the seat next to me in the bus
because fu that's why
breaking fat