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Take that ridiculous thing off!
I cant "bear" this situation
That awkward moment when you realize you are dating your deceased grandpa.
She knows about that.
Dealing with truancy like a boss
its ok he looks official
Circle of Life...
Dr_Eevee will be so proud!
So my head exploaded, just as the tortuga did, the end.
Annoying Childhood Morpheus
Bumper desks
Best Costum Ever
X-box live
With a side of pity rings and a sorrow shake...
Some will understand...
chuck norris, who else
The Germans just used gas instead.
Moderate Dark Humor.
The Simpsons: Breaking Bad
Who hath begun thy summoning?
I love you grandma
Did you see that NSA ? I won !!
problems, problems
Wake up everyone this is serious
You came to the wrong neighbourhood, drunk guy!
Fapping after a family vacation
I bet those red truck truckers plan that ahead
You can steal my bike, but you will never steal my swag
When you get a boner in class
My life in a nutshell
Leaving uncomfortable situations
Hottest guy at the party hits on me.
does this count as a burn?
I tried using the cardboard part once.
Hold my beer...
Aww so cute
And if you look here, we see a hipster in training
Over Attached Poem
Britain vs USA on Tumblr
Someone got tired of his shit
Just like me on Monday
365 days a week.
Takin' a selfie with my homie
I'm sorry.
they hating
Props to OP.
Asking a friend to help you cheat during test.
The body woke up before the brain again
sorry for ruining your day
Please enter a title.
Meanwhile in Canada
it's weird how a cartoon for children fits so well for teens too...
It's like a petting zoo up in here
That burn
First time you have sex
If a cat and a dog got married this is what it would look like.
look at my horse, my horse is amazing
Three Types of People
Science can be sexy!
Dongs and Bongs.
gotta love C&H
Damn you woman, into the kitchen
Where is that Wendys ad?
if i was a window cleaner
Wow how class, such doge
No ***ing way Ash
Poke!...nope wasn't me
The last straw that breaks the camel's back...
.Why, Batman? Why?
Fixed in the manner of a proper gentleman
dat moment
I just saw a continuation of the story
Old but gold
When life hands you lemons... become a flamingo.
Evolution at it's best
Natural product
cooking shows
Whenever you try to downvote boob posts
His second single is Nuclear Warfare.
People say he's still jumping and screaming
Results Guaranteed
Oh right...humans not food
Ahh youtube
Can't escape
I'll go for some woof
Watch out for them!
Mad Game.
Then and Now (Fixed)
two kinds of people
I bet you just tried it
david TENnant and Matt SmELEVENith