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I just wanted to say "Thank you HUGELOL" here for making my life brighter and cheering me up day for day.

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Quick Robin, to the Fapmobile
A real life Pokémon
Im so dqulaer right now
Plot Twist.
413 biscuits.
proceed to procrastinate
This should be in olympics.
Deck the balls with armored elbows, fa la la la laaa la la la laaa
Ohh well shit Tyrone.
if Walter told chem jokes
Most trees are blue.
Spiderchef? Now that's closer..
Sadly this is how I spend my free time
This could be the beginning of the end.
I also feel him
We have a winner here
Distract him!
Smoked fish, now with extra nicotine
Simple Science Really
Gordon Ramsey is my hero.
Somebody needs water for that burn.
not your parents
Why not Adolf?
Never forget.
"carl you're a freaking retard"
that must of SUCKED
What happens when guys get bored on the beach
Million dollar Dino baby?
And nobody noticed anything...
Tumblr is such a p(h)unny place
Kratos does ballet!
Healthier than a McBurger though.
He evolved into what he desires most
Yeah, the dinosaurs were obviously domesticated
instant karma
playing a horror game with weapons
Well... no
How Asian grades work
What goes through my mind when talking to my crush.
Goddamit Apple....
Costco is winning
Not sureif awesome or inappropriate....meh, definitely awesome
Not going to P.E.
some tattoos are so realistic
Girl logic works out for the best sometimes.
Going back to his roots
No flowers no problem.
Guess who gave to charity today.
More philosophical than Jadan Smith.
Hes got a point.
Some women are never satisfied. Inb4 'puppies'
Breaking news: World dumbest person learns to tweet.
The chosen weiner
Emergency-pizza bag
Works a lot better.
Dicaprio and his first major role.
His name is Joe.
Shots fired.
justice or revenge? who cares!
Just continue like nothing happened
well damn
Illegal downloading at a new high.
your dads haircut
hold my beer... unzip
best ad' ever!
animal cops > rest of the world
Parenting at it's finest.
what.. i don't even..
Drivers and pedestrians hate each other but everyone hates the cyclist
Harry pass me the winch
dancing bear
There's definitely a learning curve
Everytime I play Battlefield and there's a noob driving the heli
I dont know where it comes from!
We've all been there.
lookin at ur dick
The more you know.
I´m thinking about Supernatural right know
People are like a fridge.
thats why guys dont cook
Tumblr never disappoints me
Every. ***ing. Time.
When your school's robotics club is having a problem, you call in the big guns
on its way to Iraq
Always worked for me. Paid for it later though..
Always the black guy
You're just asking for it....
Calm down there, Satan...
Can you relate?
seems like a good enough idea
Obviously he hadn't ascended yet
I'd like to have that License.