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I delete my (re)posts, if there are too many downvotes or repost claims. Best way though is providing a link. Also: I don't listen to "joined 7 seconds ago".

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from behind it can be assumed i am female
me fighting against my little brother
Captain America IRL
the perfectly looped gif
Still not enough cage
That's how I see it.
How i see them
I don't see one either
What if it's today 48 years from now.
Wat you looking at? uh?
Precise aim.
Murica did it before it was cool
I searched Snapetastic on Google. Tumblr gave me this.
she had it coming
Just a friendly reminder
New pokemon??? let me just grab my pokeballs
It's not a lie.
Arrogance is a ***.
So much win
Remember that optional airship boss from Final Fantasy VI?
that's interesting training
the voices in my head tell really good jokes
Remember Call Me Maybe chatroulette form Steve Kardynal? This is his new one from Wrecking Ball!
So if you press your ***s on one another it's actually just a tube from mouth to mouth?
Such *** Off
Getting married young.
Can't stop watching this
If only he could apply that genius to something worthwhile
Yep, just tumblr.
This is love
whenever i see someone asking to borrow my pen.
Tumblr teaching folks how to spell necessary
Photo comments are great, but their is nothing funnier than good 'ol hugelol comments.
My biggest fear.
Brutally murdered..
Now he's the king of the jungle
and on that day, footballers received a grim reminder, they lived in fears of goalkeepers
At least they will have a burn heal ready
Pew! Pew! Pew!
Not even once
Some people never learn...
Good thing it's just a donkey, I was worried my Harvester got caught
If you know what I mean.
When you're at a friends house and they're being yelled at
Not sure of what was trying to get accomplished here.
So worth the read
Wait, Thomas Jefferson is President?
Hitler often employed methods of not taking any shit
Troll Dad.
Yep, probably just stoned as ***.
Fantastic last words.
Can't argue with that...
God damn it Frank.
Embrace the rainbow.
Stupidity is high in that one.
Maybe she should just be a stripper.
We have a Winner.
Tumblr: Shooting Down Christian Bible Quotes 1 By 1
Being welcomed into the dad club.
Stupid Question
Quit being such a fartbag, Humpback Whale 85
When I am told I eat to fast
Anon tells a wincest story
Ooh Tumblr...
Ping Powling
Loki, maid of Asgard.
The what??
yep, pretty much
on a plane when suddenly
You have a really furry penis.
Oh Tumblr
When the average CoD player gets his first car.
/b/ is so disciplined
Awesome teacher
damn it, vader.
Just Russian Things
Ironic Signs
when i get an A in a class and my parents give me a look in disbelief
Because *** logic
Nothing more to say.
tumblr is full of high peoples and smartasses
We all hate noob teammates who AFK in game
4chan ♥
Internet: 1. OP: 0.
Anon texting his crush.
Not sure if Russian's are just badass or the French are just pussies...
Scandinavian Military Killing Machines
That ain't a unibrow, that's a back-up mustache
He is my Hero.
Scale of my taste in music
Op pulls out too fast and finds God
When your mom calls you downstairs by your full name