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I am Ripper... Tearer... Slasher... Gouger. I am the Teeth in the Darkness, the Talons in the Night. Mine is Strength... and Lust... and Power! I AM ARXS!

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I <3 Doctor who! as the round things!
medic help
Wishes can come true.
Dat face.
i got your neck bro
That about sums it all up
Prometheus could've learned from this.
...with an unplugged iron
My reaction whenever i see a hot girl
Bring potato, guys
the only reason i am not dead yet
Kinect Fruit Ninja godmode
Dammit Macklemore.
Dat accuracy tho.
Dad jokes from the GRAVE!
Can't argue with that
Pornography these days..
anyone else need one?
Red apples...More deadly than nukes
He was still pretty awesome
Reginald D. Hunter frames the issue
and a mocumcino to go
Female Alpha
a true philosopher
Ohh shit.
Poor grandma
not what she expected
I hope it was...
Brazilians in MMO's
Best s
How I see Justin Bieber's father...
Dream come true!
Nicole Cage
Black Friday Murica
If you put it that way...
Master of disguise
All hail master race!
this is how i see motion gaming
Even if I don't fits, I sits. So *** you.
fk you! I´m a rebel!
Never give up
Grandma burn.
Just a dad being a dad.
Admit it. You know what you were thinking too.
BREAKING NEWS: Middle east declares peace to hate that chick.
inspirational words
It's Black Friday again aka Peasant Races.
"How can you not remember my name?"
bad luck brian became a teacher
Why to be a mermaid.
The man among men
Tricky black guy
Calm down, Satan
More perfectly timed photos
That meme used in the right place is always gold
Is noone going to question why squdward has a moustache on his head?
Whenever someone asks me when was the last time I had sex
Where is this place?
***roach prank
Ohh the irony
Step sisters
Dramatic dog
But Gaben, the internet will collapse!
gangsta as ***
In other news
Retail Employees on Black Friday
Remember this guy?
Carlos must be an excellent taco maker
Go big or go home
That awkward moment when you spell a word and it doesn’t look right.
Always judging.
Nothing a good religious man would do.
KFC marketing.
and i'll have a virgin Cuba Libre please
That's English for you, we're all screwed.
What an Idiot.
Is that what being Bi-sexual is like?
so much grumpy
Text Wars.
everyone hates rubix cubes
I can never get it right!
i thought he was aryan?
Maybe facebook's top hoe?
Everything makes sense now
Every. ***ing. Year.
He has a point.
guess which one is mine
plot twist
enjoy this picture of Phineas looking forward
The positive aspects of living with your grandma
and it was awful