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***...*** *** *** ***!
Model Baby.
Well ***
Every time...
The art of multitasking
How it feels to have a small girlfriend
Sorry microsoft...
A lot of Dollars.
that burn!
poor cat
I, as a german, can only say: no problem, guys!
everytime im last place and mad
here is a country that i would love to be in.. thing led to another
The programmers national anthem
I saw this and had to share
0 f*ucks given level: Medeival
bowel movement
Up and down and up and down
One Night at Tumblr
don't cheat with me
"omgz repost from ***!!1!"
ooooh sure???
bad luck brian
The darker it is, the better *grin*
Never go on Tumblr when its dark outside
Why I strike out with girls.
Problem solver
Just kidding.
mystery solved
My sense of humour
It just want to hang out
The things some people google...
Cow Milk is very healthy, make sure to drink some every day
Obviously for the creation of How to train your Dragon
I don't own a bike, therefore I don't own black people
it would work!
Shine bright like a diamond
well I feel much better now
First Impressions.
The answer is yes
I will eat your eyes out
When your friends don't leave you alone.
Classic Zach
i'm confused
Show me the woooooorld!
How to increase your download speed in one simple step
Umm, excuse me?
Friend called me on Skype while I was looking up a cosplayer, this is what happened *fap aborted*
Vanilla Extract.
Didn't you go to mother***ing mass
One day.
Why did he even come?
That is fabulous
That horrid moment.
Frudo ... plis ... staph it!
Meanwhile in Heaven...
RIP Paul Walker. Hope i'll see him on the walking dead soon. As a walker. Too soon?
And that's when he first knew he was going to /b/
Tutorial on how to talk black by Luke
What, my name is, HI!
Zero ***s given.
Deaths of the week.
The sofa cat is watching you masturbate
Whenever I try to look cool celebrating a goal
Come at me bro
Navy SWCC owned by a fish
Too soon?
Oh God
not just any alien
Expecting something sweet?
Asking is bad for your health
My soulmate won't stop singing "Gold Digger"...
new axe commercial
Sad but true
Was the class Getting owned 101?
hope she a milf
I <3 Doctor who! as the round things!
medic help
Wishes can come true.
Dat face.
i got your neck bro
That about sums it all up
Prometheus could've learned from this.
...with an unplugged iron
My reaction whenever i see a hot girl
Bring potato, guys
the only reason i am not dead yet
Kinect Fruit Ninja godmode
Dammit Macklemore.
Dat accuracy tho.
Dad jokes from the GRAVE!
Can't argue with that
Pornography these days..
anyone else need one?
Red apples...More deadly than nukes