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The most accurate representation of finals week ever
oh hell noo
Oh no. Not again
When you disconect in the middle of a teamfight
See you in hell!
stare at them awkwardly
Dammit dad, get off the Lesbian board.
What is a ***?
Nice definition of humans.
/r/firstworldanarchists in action
Get it together, Ariel.
I choked on my tea. -.-
In the right moment.
Santa Creep.
Meh it's future me's problem
I would love to have all my friends crys on my phone
We have to cook more orange juice!
Who's there?
sneak peek
Morgan Freeman≠Nelson Mandela?
faith in humanity restored
He wins the internet for the day
Well damn, Edwin.
i laughed more than i should at this
This is why Half Life 3 isnt out yet... gabe is trapped under bags of oregano!
Finals week.
She won that one for sure.
Too much skyrim
Undercover PC
Just gradnma things
Classic Chandler.
silent racism
Denied ***!
So, Boromir walks into a bar...
I'm straight, but 50 dollars is 50 dollars.
How to deal with Nerdy boys.
Best scene in the movie.
Some men just want to watch the world burn.
When will it all end!!
Reality vs. expectation. Santa is a dick.
well done Vogue, well done
Some Deep Shit
"Are you sh*tting me Peter?"
Inspirational as f*ck
Eye Don't understand Tumblr sometimes.
That website is on drugs
fetch the biscuits mum
This show was on drugs
Dad on Birthdays,
Oh DAM'n
generic funny title
that's perfect thanks
Timmy hates everyone
Mustache Possible
I'm never going to pass...
who needs a PC with this authenticity
Your daily dose of racism
Refreshing sport...
When searching for memes and you constantly find ponies
It's funny because he is black
you don't know struggle
Hulk dong
One mad pussy
Scum of the Animal Kingdom.
It's like...
Dwight being Dwight
Like Battelfield 4 on ps3...
Apple innovation
Well damn
Gynecology student preparing for an exam
Finishing the word count requirement for an essay
A minute of silence for a true Grammar Nazi
We're badass mother***ers.
I think not.
getting ready for parties
Girls be like
Two out of three ain't bad
Games aren't so hard these days..
First time
Can't stop laughing at this xD
when someone asks me what do i look for in girls
This guy knows what's up
(Masterrace intensifies)
To the parents of swag people
Her expression is priceless
clash of the titans!
not his time yet, i guess
A quick look around
Are you ***ing kidding me, Siri?
not since the accident
you might be tough, but you will never be this tough
Grand Theft auto: The Movie by Michael Bay
Why I love my girlfriend!
she swallowed, probably
Meanwhile in Afghanistan