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Like a boss!
When the question "Too soon?" fits just right
Someday chickens will be playing with human embryos underwater
*** this, I wanna be a helicopter.
Story of my life
Darth Maul with his cat.
Apply cold water to the burn
Embarrassing Childhood picture.
You will never be this smooth
The great skill and perfect execution of this trick shot is making me dribble
almost cried
hurricane Tyrone
It's past tents.
Advice to live by
i'd react the same way
''I swear it's not what it looks like!''
10/10 would watch
Ahh, siblings...
I had a Brother.
Sleeping Dyrus
can't beat that logic
Youtube at its finest.
Smack that azz
In the next 5 minutes if he brought the gun he got the unlimited ammo perk with a bulletproof beard
What if...
After finding out the president is black, he went back into the hole in which he came from.
*Jaden intensifies*
pew pew pew
It's allergies, dammit!
Tumblr is going to be the next Oceans movie
Next-Gen Essays
I... Wat
My reaction when my parents say I'm their favorite son when I'm their only son
How the years have changed me...
Poor guy but what a headline
Jokes aside, the guy is really talented.
Instant Karma
Wait, what?
When you realize the chick ... has a dick .
is it wrong to laugh
Now we know.
Fat Jesus died for our balls
The second comment reminded me that I'm reading a tumblr post
Batman goes Christmas shopping.
Fred - ever so special.
and that's how he got 3 months in hospital
Youtube on Google+
I'd be a bit more panicked.
Emancipizzle Proclamizzle, yo.
I am wood elf imperial.
Too fabulous for you.
"How do I look" means "Tell me I'm pretty or you're dead''
The raccoon might have needed stitches though
Anne Frank and MLKJ
damn sucks to realize eh
a small heart-attack
Scary fact about 2014
Peanut orcatail book banana cape
that'll be X gold coins please
To Isengard!
The legend says that he still is dodging cars
Keeping the romance alive
Quality engineering
the shoes are so swagtastic
What it feels like to visit Hugelol when you're feeling down .
Use those wings and fly off this planet!
The hobbit interview
dark humor at its finest
You should be ashamed.
"Oh Jihad, you so silly"
My best try of asking somebody out...
You said yes, but your finger is screaming NOOOOO!
Pre-arranged marriages pre-pair people for the future !
3 cats....
What about the Reindeer? Did the elves eat them?
Evil chansey
I want to be a plague doctor
Ref's face says it all
Faceswap gone wrong
Marathon signs
veteran HLers browsing the fresh page
We should erect a city in tumblr's honor
Much drunk,please stop,very bro,this is piss,wow
Is this true?
i love tiny yeast farts
Feminazi inbound in 3... 2...
my crush just told me that she likes me
lyk dis if u cry everytim
santa goes pro
f*ck the police!
Finals week