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Well...I'm New on this Site
Now about me...Well...I'm Normal...Very Normal..
And since This is my My Profile Acc...I will Post anything That i want...anything...

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I remember now is name is "ASSFACE"
How to defeat slow walkers
you know it's cold when CNN has nothing to report
Receiving fellatio for the first time
The more you think about it, the funnier it gets.
What kinda game you playin?
new mario kart looks terrifying
You never live up to your dreams
'Odd' one out...
Goddammit gavin!
its funny cos its true.
I'm GLADriel he is doing this for our ENTertainment.
Feels bat, man...
Maybe both
*Shades drop*
I aM fRoM tHe MiDdLe ClAsS
Posting and then waiting for feedback like...:
liek dis if u cry evyrtiem
charmander's face at the end kills me everytime
i don't know why, but i laughed
bless it with holy vodka Ivan !
Meanwhile, in the comment section...
Me digging your grave
This is why I love Drake Bell..
And on that day, humanity received a Mac reminder
Then and now....
Reposters vs community
too lazy for title, keep scrolling
Red or Blue?
Oh Grandma.
Deal with it
haha.. wait.. what ?? u jelly, man?!
Sir, no.
back up. sloooowly... WOOF! ok thats enough.
Getting tired of your shit, Brian.
So, I slept at a female friend house..
I might as well masturbate
I just noticed...
He deserves one
When you wake up after being drunk in an unknown room.
only on JadenSmithTV
How most people react to gore raids
suddenly n*gga
The Grill
Do you think he got a family discount?
Camo Index: 90%
where is my unsee button?
the L stands for motherf*cking
Why Sims, why...
How do you even come up with this jokes?
Just wake up one day and start drawing it...
Teachers are getting pretty ruthless
god freaking damnit they are really uptight
now that's the way you do it
Why i can't wait to be a dad.
Finally, some hot chick on omegle!
please apply liquid nitrogen to burn
sometimes it's annoying
Like I give a ***.
Not smaug
good job conan
Well , that's one way
Friedzoned again?
Fail of the year...
Cast it into the fire! Destroy it! ... LUNDIN!
That's one way to teach him a lesson.
Best Friends be like
Who does this?
Who needs condoms when you have Dad?
Why I don't want kids.
Not even Arctic ice will heal this wound
I needed that information
Especially the Asians.
I was gonna discover nitrous oxide but then I got high
African weed
Damn it Australia!
Poor Leo
Gobby pls
HIMYM Conspiracies.
Such Tumblr
Guess who's OP?
Hey look! A new nickelback album. Why is there flour οn it?
I claim hack.
Protect the POTUS!
Just wanted to touch a boob
Your mama!
Just a normal day in a dog's life
Me at parties
udderly disappointed...