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Still waiting for:
Pokemon MMO,
Hover boards,
OP not being a f*ggot,
I'm back you ***s

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Nice one, Goku real nice.
dats right boooiiiii
Apply two tablespoons of butter to burned area
My university just posted this on facebook
Putin is our Otaku Master
goddammit jeff
Applz for sale
she got homozoned
Believe in Yourself.
what the internet has done to me
The Legacy of WiingS
Sums it up quite nicely
No buts
he is 6'2
My real name is [SOUND OF BLARING REPOSTS] but everyone just calls me Cousin.
This guy just won selfie olympics... With taking a selfie from Daft Punks head at Grammy Awards
Shots of Alcohol before a Vag Wax.
That's a beary giant bear.
Wait, that isn't even real fish
specially coke
Plot Twist.
he means it
what I would do.
late night bacon
this interactive title will change when J+L is pressed
100% Ouch.
Can't wait for spring!!
Soo considerate <3, I wish my gf was like this
Legit Excuse
The Tale of Wiings (requested)
black scientists
olivia gone wild
hugelol comments never ceases to amaze.
Me as a professor
no regrets
Why No Photo ?!?!
bane jr
They've done it.
no homo
seeing a repost on front
Why hugelol is the way it is: A compendium of the actions of analdestroyer6969
And a psycho man will open your ribcage.
Honesty above all things
Looking forward to transporters.
wub wub
But, is it canon?
It was Holy Spirit, probably vodka.
this is why it's great to be the younger brother
ford fusion
future is now
That face tho
It was a very sexytime
in australia, this is tuesday morning
gettin' real tired of your shit robin
Just his luck
(╯°□°)╯︵ â”»â”â”»
i can show you an oscar - shining, shimmering, splendid
I think she wants to say no
preety much it
trust me, i'm from the internet
Always be careful
Cause *** you
But you are ghost type
*** your shit. I'm reading.
Tyrone can't get his A's together
Norton cares about your health
well, i guess he won
The cold of us
no dad jokes for him
Skinny snorlax is scary
"he gonna sleep in the big house?"
misread, came in gf's eye
College Life...
Fastest way to destroy a friendship
can someone post the LINK where you can buy these?
Refer back to the previously mentioned slide-eating shoe pebble incident
Forever Alone tries Omegle.
stupidity goes both ways, even from west to east
Grammar matters
i'm so sorry prince magaji
I'd watch that
the chalkboard betrayed him
Much math! Such geometry!
she moans like a deaf retard
God dammit Abbey
The "Fan"-tastic 4 in a (somehow big) nutshell
This guy's gonna see places...
What are they doing? It's a Miistery
except mom, she makes sandwiches
a great source of vitamin D