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I post stuff from other sites you guys might find funny, if repost put a comment saying repost plus link, or PM it to me

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Fast food war Episode III revenge of McDonald
i came first, and she never called me back
Nope, the pain continues buddy...
the coldest war
Having trouble breaking the ice? Try a Nokia.
So my neighbors have been communicating..
Wishing Well
The saviour!
Al-Qaeda paratrooper training
oh god i just played bioshock oh god
Not part of my job description...
Real terror is going through it
Drop the Bass
You think this is a mother***ing game?
The Emperor protects
800 frames per second sounds deadly indeed
laughing your way into hell
Let's go Shaniqua!
Truckload of similarities.
Then the bartender raped the guy.
9/10 for that woman
U fag dad
Such wall
And TF2 is your old war vet grandpa who rants on and on about how it was better before you showed up
Dinnertime in Japan
Me texting
Bender ain't messing around, ***!
Brian goes for a walk in the snow for the first time
clearly he's into fashion
Nice to meet you throwing up
Warning! slippery when on fire
There Can Be Only One
I think lepreas just found the answer to everything
senpai noticed him
"Now let me take our photo album to my room for... science..."
Works every time
Friend send this to his gf
Pizza for president!
you do not fear bad grades, your punishment must be more severe
So thats how you do it
wake up call...
well that explains a lot
i'm sure they did
So deep
Disregard whenches, acquire geological knowledge
Id pay to see that
that must be professor oak
i can't unsee this
such wonderful drawings
sh*t just got serious
Because then you can save them for later
Misha Burns.
Up in the crib
Nice one, Goku real nice.
dats right boooiiiii
Apply two tablespoons of butter to burned area
My university just posted this on facebook
Putin is our Otaku Master
goddammit jeff
Applz for sale
she got homozoned
Believe in Yourself.
what the internet has done to me
The Legacy of WiingS
Sums it up quite nicely
No buts
he is 6'2
My real name is [SOUND OF BLARING REPOSTS] but everyone just calls me Cousin.
This guy just won selfie olympics... With taking a selfie from Daft Punks head at Grammy Awards
Shots of Alcohol before a Vag Wax.
That's a beary giant bear.
Wait, that isn't even real fish
specially coke
Plot Twist.
he means it
what I would do.
late night bacon
this interactive title will change when J+L is pressed
100% Ouch.
Can't wait for spring!!
Soo considerate <3, I wish my gf was like this
Legit Excuse
The Tale of Wiings (requested)
black scientists
olivia gone wild
hugelol comments never ceases to amaze.
Me as a professor
no regrets
Why No Photo ?!?!