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*slides out from behind your sofa* Hey, turn the Wifi back on... (Backup account: CharlieGuinea)

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Never skip leg day
the he-boy
"Fighting for his life" *** isn't fighting, he tried to end it.
Never forget!
Someone fix this.. It's hurting my brain
School Officials.
"I need to see your ID..." [fixed]
Anon needs some condoms and lube.
Do he got the booty?
That makes sense.
italy is the cleanest of the clean
No wonder he played a Hobbit.
Taco Bell Twitter Account
Which step have you reached today?
a total of zero fcks were given that day
no one on the internet lies
Roses are yellow, trees are blue, Jaden is colorblind, tennis shoe.
Apple products...
Poor Exodia
A bonèr
Mrw my friends say they're American on the internet.
I tried it once, but with bullets
poonanji pls
family guy know how to lifehack
I think you missed the point there.
Look who I saw the other day
Breaking Ned
The ultimate pedophile
Maybe I should ROUND up the troops...
Optimus riding a robot dinosaur, your argument is invalid
Need For Speed Russianground 2
I was discussing the Iraq war when suddenly:
Same goes for poop
Man Boobs Selfie
Tears for Fear
Anon tries fapping
Smooth Criminal
face it...
Script writer must have a Phd in pedagogics
It would be ironic if this was a repost
Solid Snake and Raiden are jelly
Much like staying up all night, realizing it is morning.
I see a tumblr fandom
Oh dear
I hope they make it.
I think it already was a nazi uniform, but /b/ changed it anyway
Wait What!!
Black history month
My new favorite flavour
Thrift shop.
Dad...I'm a cat
One night of RIGOROUS SEX
oh no jew didn't
George Lopez Ladies and Gents.
Like you can Judge, Bugs Bunny
There are no brakes.
No descriptions available
1rd person who comments is gay
It's that good?
trying to act casual while sneaking out of my girlfriends house
Practical thinking: not everyone has it
Parasites, all of you
On your side..
I wonder if she's writing a novel
Highfi- nope, eyefive
we have come a long way
Bad Luck Leo
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The Power of Manliness
I bet she dances the Charleston
Well Shit
Rough First day...
metal as ***
i should use this pick up line
Road Etiquettes from Naked Gun
Because you can't let them know you blow like an elephant
such a scam!
Sorry Travis
Well, time to burn down the house.
Well, that escalated quickly
oh yeah thats the spot
Point of views.
jingly jingly jingly
Challenge accepted!
How i imagine most of you
I think something weird happened in san francisco
she probably loves him 5ever.
A fart well timed could solve this quandary