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The alarm clock is the creation that was made by both God and Satan...... mostly Satan though.

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sochi good point
Always remember to look at the bright sight of things
i love it when girls hate the romatic bullshit
is this real life? Is this just fantasy?
224,457 notes. That's approximately 224,457 years. Thx math.
yeah science ***!
Flappy bird caused it
well what did you expect?
whoa, man.
idk what to say
Attention sikhing at its finest.
Benicat grumblepatch
He's got a point y'know
Russian petting zoo
where are the single hoes?
You wanna know if im Miley Cyrus
i ain't accepting shit
wait, what??
I'm ash hurr durr i throw pokeballs at pokemon hurr durr
Selena Gomez taking her Discography for a walk
Boy, that escalated quickly
Do you even lift, bro?
ITT: Autistic Mistakes
Know the difference
oedipus did it first, though
Ruff life
Baldr Odinsson or ... Aliens
i haven't got the heart to look at it yet
God damn it pikachu you cant just steal their customs
he skipped left day
Samuel Jackson on Co-Stars.
Two in the pink and one in the sink
America out Hitler'd Hitler.
extremely graphic violent scene from turkish movie.
Poor Legolas.
That's a lot of times.
Disabled girl at the talent show
Creationism at its best
MRW when I'm tired and someone wants to talk to me
Heard you were talking shit
The circle of life...
That went in so many directions
I am the dangow
Dammit, dad.
Never skip leg day
the he-boy
"Fighting for his life" *** isn't fighting, he tried to end it.
Never forget!
Someone fix this.. It's hurting my brain
School Officials.
"I need to see your ID..." [fixed]
Anon needs some condoms and lube.
Do he got the booty?
That makes sense.
italy is the cleanest of the clean
No wonder he played a Hobbit.
Taco Bell Twitter Account
Which step have you reached today?
a total of zero fcks were given that day
no one on the internet lies
Roses are yellow, trees are blue, Jaden is colorblind, tennis shoe.
Apple products...
Poor Exodia
A bonèr
Mrw my friends say they're American on the internet.
I tried it once, but with bullets
poonanji pls
family guy know how to lifehack
I think you missed the point there.
Look who I saw the other day
Breaking Ned
The ultimate pedophile
Maybe I should ROUND up the troops...
Optimus riding a robot dinosaur, your argument is invalid
Need For Speed Russianground 2
I was discussing the Iraq war when suddenly:
Same goes for poop
Man Boobs Selfie
Tears for Fear
Anon tries fapping
Smooth Criminal
face it...
Script writer must have a Phd in pedagogics
It would be ironic if this was a repost
Solid Snake and Raiden are jelly
Much like staying up all night, realizing it is morning.
I see a tumblr fandom
Oh dear
I hope they make it.