I hope your shift-key is a little sticky and your spacebar doesnt quite work every time.

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I dont think so
Four Score and 18 McBurgers Ago...
Legendary Doges
That face tho
It sucks to be you OP
while the other has already stolen the cam
Happened to me too
Be sure to give everyone a heart boner today
all aboard the rape train
This instrument would be to complicated for me
Warning! Ponytails can kill you!
everything is posible
america food is best food
ass is an ass
Hello /b/,I would like to play a game
... and it's a great way to stay in shape.
my brain doing last minute essays
In america freedom shoots you
[Potato eating intensifies]
I can hear it
Today's the day
The other hole?
ridin' time
4chan's got a real good point there
Screw you, Soraka!
believable honesty
White people...
religion and science
Must be fake asians
A Professional Attention wh*re
A compliment is a compliment
why u do dis mario?
we're ***ed
fuq da police
Holy cow
Roses are brown today
Good ol´ ´murica
wait... what?
He made quite a splash :D
May the odds ever be in your favour...
Show was all sorts of wtf
A wins a win.
Whenever I try to be sexy for my boyfriend
i wish i could "Ctrl+C Ctrl+V" Emma Watson! (that's how that frontpage thing works, right?)
Pornraid, after just having fapped
I introduce to you, the winner of the Olympuns.
fak u notch
Could use that explanation.
i think they nailed it
in a parallel universe
Dad jokes just out of Surgery.
is this the real life?
Literally....its a snake
He has won.
I'm ok with this
Anything but Book Research.
You thought it was a mistake, didn't you?
Mind = BLOWN
69% Maturity.
I am vengeance, I am the nigh... omgisthatacookie?
Trolling porn sites
Oh look, it’s Meowses…
Me too
But Mr. Clarkson, stahp!
the bees
Any answer will do, please.
Not only ice is hard as a rock babe.
This sport needs a fabulous comeback.
Very handsome!
A new contender has entered the ring!
I'll find a way
Greatest Poem ever.
This is why we love the internet
My Major was promoted to Commander.
5th ring.exe not responding
can i have confirmation that white people do this
canadian diplomatic tactics
very original last two guys
Lockerroom prank...
You know what i´m sayin?
What ever happened to giving her some flowers first?
yes...That's how it is
When Senpai notices you
*slow clap*
When my post reaches front page
black people
So yeah...
i wonder how far this mistake can go
thanks too all our plan sponsors; from the Pirat Party
i grew the manliest beard reading this
a pedobear show on daytime tv, but still they censor the word f*ck