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F is for friends who do stuff together
U is for you and meee
N is for anywhere and anytime at all! Down here in the deep blue sea.
Does anyone even read this?

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May the odds ever be in your favour...
Show was all sorts of wtf
A wins a win.
Whenever I try to be sexy for my boyfriend
i wish i could "Ctrl+C Ctrl+V" Emma Watson! (that's how that frontpage thing works, right?)
Pornraid, after just having fapped
I introduce to you, the winner of the Olympuns.
fak u notch
Could use that explanation.
i think they nailed it
in a parallel universe
Dad jokes just out of Surgery.
is this the real life?
Literally....its a snake
He has won.
I'm ok with this
Anything but Book Research.
You thought it was a mistake, didn't you?
Mind = BLOWN
69% Maturity.
I am vengeance, I am the nigh... omgisthatacookie?
Trolling porn sites
Oh look, it’s Meowses…
Me too
But Mr. Clarkson, stahp!
the bees
Any answer will do, please.
Not only ice is hard as a rock babe.
This sport needs a fabulous comeback.
Very handsome!
A new contender has entered the ring!
I'll find a way
Greatest Poem ever.
This is why we love the internet
My Major was promoted to Commander.
5th ring.exe not responding
can i have confirmation that white people do this
canadian diplomatic tactics
very original last two guys
Lockerroom prank...
You know what i´m sayin?
What ever happened to giving her some flowers first?
yes...That's how it is
When Senpai notices you
*slow clap*
When my post reaches front page
black people
So yeah...
i wonder how far this mistake can go
thanks too all our plan sponsors; from the Pirat Party
i grew the manliest beard reading this
a pedobear show on daytime tv, but still they censor the word f*ck
Who needs food when you have jesus?
how bad?
Pedobear Seal of Approval
duh (source in comments)
I don't snow what's wrong
Putin's nightmare
Excuse me, Teach, I'd like to study dat ass.
Guess who's birthday it is!
introducing: next gen forever alone
It's not rocket surgery
Christopher Lee pls
Goodmorning Japan...
this isn't even my final form!
***ing optimists always sober
sochi good point
Always remember to look at the bright sight of things
i love it when girls hate the romatic bullshit
is this real life? Is this just fantasy?
224,457 notes. That's approximately 224,457 years. Thx math.
yeah science ***!
Flappy bird caused it
well what did you expect?
whoa, man.
idk what to say
Attention sikhing at its finest.
Benicat grumblepatch
He's got a point y'know
Russian petting zoo
where are the single hoes?
You wanna know if im Miley Cyrus
i ain't accepting shit
wait, what??
I'm ash hurr durr i throw pokeballs at pokemon hurr durr
Selena Gomez taking her Discography for a walk
Boy, that escalated quickly
Do you even lift, bro?