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It's my duty to please your booty! And if I put in a mother***ing repost, don't *** on my ass like you're butthurt mother***er, just say it politely.

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the mustache effect
That is the only acceptable use of Yolo
Subtle suggestion
Ready to record? This gon be sick!
Do you even praise the sun bro?
The plumbing business is not for everyone
I can't believe it's not butter.
Right in the childhood
Steve Jobs's rage.
Father of the year
The "F" Word
'Murica making dreams come true
shrektastic !
Chase your dreams, they said..
Hey It's probably considered a delicacy somewhere
Wine actually is good for the... Oh!....
My level of french exactly.
Vegans be like.
Blue eyes white Natalia.
well trained cat
instant karma
he now in a parallel universe
Let Natalia wear push-ups...
Buttered toast + Cat + Black Magic = Fix to energy crisis
Game of the year
Airplane etiquette
Alpha as ***
This movie is twice as funny with subtitles
Not even once.
When you win argument against someone you hate
My dealer nothings me up because you shouldn't do drugs
*** this, I'm gonna go play Tekken
Just rest your eyes for a bit.
Real Life Bug
either way, it was love at first sight
It Kinda Looks Like a Business Card
When you go to sleep
"wanna smell?"
Pure Genius
Thief Prank
Defense of the Crimea
last night was a bit foggy
A man's word is his bond
Troll dad
I like this meme
Oh na na na what's my name? Chika chika slimshady!
Isn't nature beautiful?
Beer stealing ghost is the worst kind!
Ungrateful Indian scum.
y u do dis FB?
My favorite part from The Dictator
Women's feet
OP just blew VR Hitler. +2 Likes.
i miss shafdude
Should have used another OS
vice words
Japan is of startings an adventure
"Lemme just show you this cool raid real quick"
What really happened to MH370
When you give a girl the look
see the difference?
Skyrim logic
Drugs are bad, mmm'kay!
happened to us once. don't ask me what was in the tupperware.
Poor Squidward.
When you accidently catch a pokemon you already had
facebook bought oculus rift.
Facebook bought Oculus VR for $2B
Boy touches drink without spilling it. Girl is shocked and amazed.
Buffalo Puppies.
White men can't jump.
The definition of life
Booty so powerful his soul is trapped inside
That's one way of getting kids to be quiet
I wonder what he got in the mail? I guess we'll never know...
One day Leo, one day...
The truth about women
Cancer in a can, sir
3 posts in the price of 1! Wait,everything here is free...HOORAY
Saddest scene in frozen
Don't know where she's seen dildos before
It's funny because it's true
Falcoooon CHEST!!
Next Gen Games People!
All aboard Assville Airways
no need to sit on hands
tfw no gf and small d
Drink apple juice cause O.J kills
When you realize they weren’t waving to you
Quality Ash