What the *** has he ever done to you besides treat you with kindness and tell you how hodor you are

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When you want food.
Being the Fuhrer's favorite child doesn't excuse bad grammar
♫ The Krusty Krab Pizza / Is the pizza / For you and me! ♫
That's why alan looks good
When my professor didn't show up on the day of the test.
Sounds like my ex
I ***ing love science
leaked footage of koreas new nuclear rocket
When my mum wants to go home and I want to stay
plot twist: he works as a bilboard
Thanks, Pornhub.
"Arise, my son"
Hey joffrey
Nice trick man, High 5 .. do it again
God damnit dog
It's feedback time. Tell us how we can improve the site in the comments!
Anyone but him.
When you're high on HL and everything seems funny.
Does your face hurt ? - No why ? Bcause its killing me
These Jaime Lannister jokes are really getting out of hand…
Troy bring respect to my famiry !
So you mean we didn't lost Krillin six times?
Benedict Cum***crack
appalling facts, killing him
Doesn't matter had sex?
laquisha was bored
y u do dis.
Too much work...
Giving back to the people
flawless logic
Unlike most people, I care about our Earth.
Her reaction when she doesnt want me to come yet.
I make it hydro pump on them hoes
Stereotyping Americans
Sir, where is your horse...? I AM THE HORSE
The internets
Could sworn it was a Dingo
*epic battle music*
Spidy is going to make his own avengers team, with blackjack and hookers
TFW i'm 2
And you're all like :MeGusta:
With that I drank water! Well, with caffeine and sugar... a coke
Plot Twist: OP is also same person.
Boner in motion. ABORT ABORT
Ask Paul Walker ;)
Those jokes never grow old.. don't they?
Gon get da booteh
Mmmmmmmm, delicious
Black people.
I present you
What it feels like to upvote an unappreciated post
what possibly go wrong?
Evolution of Germany.
that'll teach him
I don't like kangaroos!
unexpected turn of events.
Call me: the Blastertater
art students before a final is due
jew fuhrious ?
fights on hugelol
Invisibility would still be better...
the life of a metal fan
or even worse, what if she has a dick?
White people...
As I am closing up on the ''Joined two years ago'' mark, this is my legacy.
darksouls pvp
Found an OP.
But dude, seriously, I need to know!
Gotta cook 'em all.
She's a squirter :3
GTA San Andreas be like
Regular Harder Softer Porridge
Insta leg
So a midget walks under a bar...
Flash if you agree
Oh my Generation makes me weep.
They said it!
He might have a little too much alcohol on his hands
Wise choice indeed
Must have been a fun task
Hoot hoot mother***er
No more killing
Smooth as butter on a baby's butt cheeks
Bress you*
Those eyes scream kill me.
Gay Math.
to be, or not to be
George you sly dog
Boosting Morale
Black people's lips be lookin like leather seats n shiet
Two Excellent points.
Wait a second, what is that smell? I smell buurniing