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Whoever said diabetes is bad must have never felt the joy of stuffing your face with candy

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the punishment for treason is death
Better raise chinese kids, they're better to handle!
Think of it
A mind needs books as an imp needs an Emmy
Would Watch.
ten years of theraphy incomming
what do you mean to that they were... dogs
"You're supposed to have fun, son!"
Daily German
He stole a bike to get to anon's house
*Disappointment intensifies*
Never do this when you ate mexican food
"Shit mom, I'm busy on Teemo's mushroom right now!"
True men don't care.
Fair point
Goddammit, Dwight.
Every officer's fantasy.
90's kids ain't that special
Been saying this for years.
Get off human. This is my show.
5 stages of finals
always nice to have friends who do pranks on you.
Girls at the club be like...
Get in loser, we're going shopping
He sure did
Sneaky German ***s...
Adele and Pink
I don't know who made this but it's true love for sure
volleyball pls
An Australian on Tony Abbott
*** your reposts
Tesla, Master of Sciences
Canadian chart.
Free skateboard tho
Visit Mexico
The real hunger games
Starch is one hell of a drug
Two fish in a tank eh
Great deals
The almighty is everywhere!
One of us
Short talk*
Sweet delicious rain
Drunk in thought.
She warned him
Myth busted! S09E13
How I feel when I'm on the fresh page
I am Fire, I am Death.
Don't get ***y.
A plumber posts an add where he says he can repare karts
A bit of fun to take that elecrtifying negativity away
awkwardnigerian knows what's up ...............and slightly to the left.
Hang in there, bro!
Aussie vocab
Taco bell
shocked he didn't blame auto correct
The best Dad joke in film history
I know most of you don't have friends but for those who do
help dog
Freedom !
Happy Mothers' Day
Is African a religion..
Cops these days...
Finland : 50% liquor, 50% metal
welcome to the future
Is he getting blacker?!?
The innocence is strong with this one.
You know nothing
And in mass effect I can get laid.
Title here
Lol, he kill
MRW I'm a pinky toe and I see the corner of a door frame.
for 9/11
me when i see ***-level content on hl
When he sends you love letters
Great holiday pic
He isn't Punctual
Meanwhile in Eurovision Song contest
Flowers would've been better choice
They are funny, but come on..
Be nice to people who try to post good content.
funny joke
He also knows the words: "such" "a" "thing" "even" "possible" "yes" "it" and "is".
Downvoting something on 0 points
he kept his word
Won't rest until i see it behind bars
Touche buddy... touche
Being an X-Man is nothing to be proud of
and i'm just sitting here, trying to find OC .. goddamn
Prevent Natural DIsasters
How the Internet works
rock headed b*tch
yo mama
that *** hated midgets