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It's my duty to please your booty! And if I put in a mother***ing repost, don't *** on my ass like you're butthurt mother***er, just say it politely.

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Balls look like butts without the dick
Not quite funny.
Who does the internet give the upvote to?
To damn accurate
Nazi oath
10/10 would buy album
The Future is now
Ted Mosby: Batting Well Above His Average
damn.. i just finished.. oh well, just can't say no to free candy
If it fits, I murders
You're gonna use that mouth so hard
High parental expectations.
When she finds out you're 6 inches while soft.
Oh subway...
All hail da hypnobutt
I'm not racist but this one is funny
I've seen better on the internet
Why Aren't You White?
MRW I finally finish my exam
Expactation vs Reality
China Pls.
Dragons cannot be tamed
I'll see you guys in heil, who wants to carpool?
"Y you so mean!?"
penis stahp!!! I'm in finals!
Reporting a Repost without it getting removed.
What people think Gay Marriage will create.
How I feel when I post something on HUGELOL
Us White people.
"Don't you ever stop in front of me you son of a bi**h !"
Just stare at one spot on the picture, and voilà .
how male feelings work
the chosen one.
better aids than nothing
How I feel like when I opted out of my project's group and realize they all failed the next day
Parents nowadays...
no, not with that altitude
The Michael Bay effect
Busta, straight busta
Close Enough.
Michael Bay's take on skating
the punishment for treason is death
Better raise chinese kids, they're better to handle!
Think of it
A mind needs books as an imp needs an Emmy
Would Watch.
ten years of theraphy incomming
what do you mean to that they were... dogs
"You're supposed to have fun, son!"
Daily German
He stole a bike to get to anon's house
*Disappointment intensifies*
Never do this when you ate mexican food
"Shit mom, I'm busy on Teemo's mushroom right now!"
True men don't care.
Fair point
Goddammit, Dwight.
Every officer's fantasy.
90's kids ain't that special
Been saying this for years.
Get off human. This is my show.
5 stages of finals
always nice to have friends who do pranks on you.
Girls at the club be like...
Get in loser, we're going shopping
He sure did
Sneaky German ***s...
Adele and Pink
I don't know who made this but it's true love for sure
volleyball pls
An Australian on Tony Abbott
*** your reposts
Tesla, Master of Sciences
Canadian chart.
Free skateboard tho
Visit Mexico
The real hunger games
Starch is one hell of a drug
Two fish in a tank eh
Great deals
The almighty is everywhere!
One of us
Short talk*
Sweet delicious rain
Drunk in thought.
She warned him
Myth busted! S09E13
How I feel when I'm on the fresh page
I am Fire, I am Death.
Don't get ***y.
A plumber posts an add where he says he can repare karts
A bit of fun to take that elecrtifying negativity away
awkwardnigerian knows what's up ...............and slightly to the left.
Hang in there, bro!