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A stupid guy doing stupid things. I often post stuff from other sites, and when i try to make OC, i fail miserably and i am left to rot.
I hope you enjoy my shitty-ass posts.

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The README in the Stanley Parable Files...
Oh look! The Michelin guy is back!
When someone calls you a maggot
I call them coffee because I store them in the freezer
"an excellent idea"
This is the doom of hugelol as we know it.
Never thought I'd grow up to be like squidward
starting to think she doesn't like me
luffy stop im not in the mood pls
New world order intensifies
Penalty for Brazil !
Ohh Alfred.
"The biter"
the moment i learned how sex is done...
"Their jewelry is in the second floor bedroom!"
i would be a feminist if all feminists would think like this
James Potter
The best Dad Joke.
How to speak Italian
Sabrina, you sassy ***.
Well, he did smoke half his face off.
Two men and a women.
Playing GTA: San Andreas for the first time.
console master race..,,
top kek
That krills people, coral!
1, 2, 3, BATTLE
Once taken away the chopsticks, asian gets confused
Gotta buy 'em all!
Best. Strip. Club. Ever.
25 Dad Jokes.
Oh the Public School System.
Society is ***ed up...
Roller skates and a sniper rifle, this kid is too lethal.
Favorite headline of 2014
Goodbye England
You know how it is...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You hear that? That's the sound of smart girls ovaries exploding.
All work and no play makes Happy a dull boy.
How I run Skyrim
That chain, stuff of nightmares
Inspiration for the modern Brazilian stadiums.
You can't blame him.
20 Stories from Fatties.
cool grandpa
*** off dad
Happens on 9/11 days
Secret Services
yandere intensifies
inb4 rape
best excuse i could make.
Thanks, captain obvious!
Alleys are dangerous...
The walking Dadjokes.
Best use for a yearbook! Gotta kill 'em all!
Lord_Lucifer leaving us a message
Rabbit is starting to lose it. Big time.
You can't blame him really
You thought you could hide from the pain-train, right? WRONG!
As it zooms out I feel sad for OP
Goddamnit Shane, Have you no Shame?
Trick questions
The Dutch
Taking the bad with the good.
"Can you pass me the fire extinguisher please?"
*** you, Becky.
Bye suckaaa
Keep it classy
Well that was quick
biscuit, james biscuit
Job Problems
Waterproof breakfast mother***er. Do you eat it?
i will show the the world of wonders harry
this is me trying to showcase my talents for job interviews.
Freedom, now made in China
Neither feminist, nor father. He's beta and the postman the father.
Dad jokes strikes again
Tickle tickle
This guy's going places
Totally legit
Weirdest boner on the 2nd panel
The true power
FB knows the stuff
Dammit Kyle
70 tons of pure democracy
We're here to wreck your life and eat all your alfalfa...god sent us
A white girls heaven. A fathers Hell.
Well, at least I have my personality
On a Scale from 1 to 10, she is defintley a Six
He is gonna be a gr8 Dad
I watch adventure time for the plot.