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Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, are given a chance to climb. They refuse, they cling

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Just travelling with arab friend
trying to come up with funny title
This is Something to Think About the Next Time You Encounter Someone With a Fake Smile
Mr Capadoccia is confused
great leader knows best
first step: Get one girlfriend to continue
Karma Whoring , of course because of Deadpool
Maybe if you keep your iphone in your pocket you could avoid this
Reason no.16 was my favourite
The ignorance is strong with this one
Not many
When you and your buddy are hitting on the same girl at the bar.
Jaden 2.0
when she isn't in the mood
The Fedora is Strong with Him.
Some burn heal maybe ?
men and their insecurities
It's math time, gentlemen.
pedonormal activity
bro your differential is ***ed
Dont you hate to get ***blocked by Poseidon
ohhhh travis
sister made me watch twilight and this was the first thing to come to mind
Just open your mouth and wait for it
TFW college starts this monday
Welcome to Japan
It's mating season for the wild chopper & the tank.
Moment silence for the bros at One Direction concert
Jesus here to safe you from your sins
Console Logic
I don't see any definition
Hholy shhit!
Fun fact Parrots actually name their children I guess here we see lil tyrone ready to sleep
Its funny because his luck sucks
Where a Willis is a way
meh... it wasn't even that hard
"Whats 4chan?"
Greentext; worth the read
Swedish epic win
how to pick up girls
9/11 joke
No homo
The butler did it
So I've been watching a lot of Bob Ross lately
I heard it works the same with yoshi , Mario is all about them coins
trying to fix something
How President Obama feels about you guys making jokes about 9/11
normal day in europe
little bit of dark humour
How I feel about some you guys complaining all day errday about ***s and not posting OC
when little sis swears at mom
Unfunny shit
Hamsters are not pokemon
THe master race , filthy peasants oh and Mac users
11-9 still terrorizes us muslims to this day
Revenge of the furniture
You were warned
***ing Voldemort
Twice the stabbing!
My uncle and I still do that from time to time
The Handy man
fuk da police
They also are not allowed to masturbate, I would be pissed too
German quality TV
Say money one more time greece!
I'd be glad if someone would wear this for me
"Ay swear to Gawd, Imma 8th grader Teecya m8"
not sure how I feel about this
Liking your own status
just maybe
certainly is ded
Ginger is the new cool
Keep it calssy
Because Physics
God no, don't remind me of that
No you don't, Seth
OP gets home invasion in the hood
Just Emo Things.
Thats why he kicked Maria
I guess I'll just rinse it out in the bathroom sink
mum jokes
Saruman is my favorite band
Frodo has some serious pedobear looks nowadays
Good thing I have saved all the pics fromt Jlawrence , for emergecy internet down situations ofc
Anon goes to the bathroom
How finding funny stuff on 4chan works without running into NSFW
Damnit, ptolemy
Poland can into space
I dont need you bae , I have google now
Hold it guys , this is my jam !
When you get the party going ...
7 ways Stamets, 7.
you can't see me