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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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My uncle and I still do that from time to time
The Handy man
fuk da police
They also are not allowed to masturbate, I would be pissed too
German quality TV
Say money one more time greece!
I'd be glad if someone would wear this for me
"Ay swear to Gawd, Imma 8th grader Teecya m8"
not sure how I feel about this
Liking your own status
just maybe
certainly is ded
Ginger is the new cool
Keep it calssy
Because Physics
God no, don't remind me of that
No you don't, Seth
OP gets home invasion in the hood
Just Emo Things.
Thats why he kicked Maria
I guess I'll just rinse it out in the bathroom sink
mum jokes
Saruman is my favorite band
Frodo has some serious pedobear looks nowadays
Good thing I have saved all the pics fromt Jlawrence , for emergecy internet down situations ofc
Anon goes to the bathroom
How finding funny stuff on 4chan works without running into NSFW
Damnit, ptolemy
Poland can into space
I dont need you bae , I have google now
Hold it guys , this is my jam !
When you get the party going ...
7 ways Stamets, 7.
you can't see me
Well played tyron
Journalism has to be such an easy major
Oh, sorry then
Soon,if Apple keeps going like this...
Now I'll never know the answer
No wonder he didn't hold the door, *Jerak* doesn't sound white anyways
Finding out oldfags were banned
Hear his gospels
Alpha rapist
Son finds his father's porn folder
Mom pls
The Worst Customers in Video Games
iphone there for every breakup
Dwight, you ignorant slut
Someone's 'bout to get sued
Award winning customer service
Superman logic
When she finds out you aint rich
K den
is she die?
How I imagine ***s when they get asked out on a date
Annnnnnd its gone
So excited
Wise words
Mods only make games more realistic
4chan- the cream in HDL's coffee
Y'all better hide yo sins!
*Clever soap pun*
How lesbos eat pu$sy vs How I eat pu$$y
Is funny cuze he fat ..
Kanye , the kind of nigga that would sneeze and be like... bless me, thank me, I`m welcome .
Not checking before sewing up? That's a paddlin!
MFW booty passed so fast
that's just .... wrong
This photo defines Apple's ideology:
Work hard for you dreams
Think Bike
That looks like a good plot , wait what... !!!!
I'm gonna get reported for posting beastiality.
MFW an enemy glitched in the wall.
After being told I can't play sports for 6 weeks
Hello? Yes, this is retard speaking
MRW my friend warns me not to look at the Jennifer Lawrence nudes because the FBI is watching
Jaden Smith everyone
Because reincarnation is more fun than immortality
when gf wants to go to a party with me
so that's the message they've been trying to tell us
Acces denied ***
Halfdan, you son of a....
Anon shows off his rig
Super Smack Bros
Mean robbers
Linda the cam ***
The Adventures of space vampire
parenting like a boss
Cats never learn
Stop resisting!
Pick your favorite
Stupid sexy Flanders
With his hand
Plz Coral
mfw i get gold
He has a point :D
sexting 101