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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Me at life
every ***ing time
the guy stabbed was probably the 2nd player
My ears can´t stop bleeding
We know who it is
Laguvulin will turn you Scottish.
>inb4 banhammer
Batman Cares
Dammit Kanye, when did you get implemented in pokémon?
tell it Randy
Open your heart to Jesus
This looks phoney
Walking to the sink after you take a shit for so long your legs fall asleep.
worse than murder
Full House -- 20 years later
well you should bubble wrap it first
That's.. not a good way to advertise..
The Road to Gamergate
Would have been weird NOT to
Show some respect
Thinking outside the bun can put you in a pickle. Though becoming a vegetarian is a missed steak.
Walmart really is all about honest advertising
Inspired by Kanye
God damnit
When my parents ask me to connect the computer
wall now
Vegan bacon
where can I get one?
Super fun time!
Hey kids
Karma's a ***
Kiss me onee-chan
This makes me want to slap people on the back of their head ... with a metal chair ..
Has happened to me more times than I care to admit! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The promise land
We all have that one friend..
You do, what you have to do
Parenting for Pros
It's always a competition with this guy.
Hugelolers after the apocalypse
☜(゚ヮ゚☜) Smoooooth
How to pick up girls who like to read
This is a cutie guys , even if it might be a cougar I still go for it
senpai never notices me
P*ssy to survive? I would be dead a long time ago ....
Finally a game I'd play
Burlesque Dancer
Sex is not the answer
Lisa Getting Her 'Murica On
too slow
He da big spender
Business cat
*** zombie apocalypse.
Or buy Apple at all
when her status turn to "single"
Black people be like
The start of a really GOOD day
The rebound
Left or Right ? .. Death by Snu Snu ofc ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Wow. Such death.
Atleast he won the case...
All sarcasm, Babou
When SamuelLJackson hates on my 300+ posts and I just got free gold
When I go to church
Poor Anon
The gif was suppose to be longer but i'm not risking a ban
I heard asian gangs are really the big deal
Seriously, thanks.
They're f*cking everywhere!!
When my mom asks if i know about the fappening
When it's a ho's time of the month
Jim Carrey is the man.
Winter has its good sides.
Ash little jewis pussy
Dat plot!
Anon losts girl
Can you feel me now?
Anons are smooth
Getting used to the weird life of uncle Dolan
Cheating is one thing, BUT THIS IS A MONSTROSITY
His people need him
Master cheff
Scrub the paws peasant
I'd eat them
Do you even swim bro?
Thanks Jarrad
Sharknado has met it's match
Perfect crime
Bend Over for those who are worthy.
If I flip a coin, what are my chances of getting head?
Oh, precious