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Oldfag trying to restore HUGELOL. Complain about my posts? How about you submit good shit yourself?

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First woman in space
Not all things in Australia will try and kill you..
...wrong tagline
Choke a ***? Anyone?
Are you down with the clown?
I am the snake in the boot
My bike is a L2Go***yourself
after she has seen my pokemon collection
Waluigi pls
/b/ writes a quite short story
Everybody Hates PETA
Shots Fired
Every woman when she sees the size of my ... Stamp collection
Indeed they have Becky
gnihihi penis
It's the only logical explanation
lord of the many things
Thanks Obama
PC Master Race!!! (oh and the dirty mac peasants)
"I thought Iran and Iraq were the same too"
Advice for the suicidal
The Luftwaffle
Responsible yolo
Seems like Disney ain't the only one destroying childhood nowadays...
MRW they tell me I'm to old to play games.
CNN must think I'm a really twisted person.
When my Mjölnir messes with me
Steve likes to use his wife as a hoe.
Typical Gamestop
Thanks for the info
Stuck the landing!
Getting old but still looking young
Ninja Serbian
For those wondering.
Some things never change..
***adoodledoo. Southpark joke, if you didn't get it.
Bad fruit
Denmark's ban on bestiality
What cup is this?
Dildos cost less than you think
He is the favorite son
The kid had it coming.
Please dont be this guy
Who's the captain?
Home Alone in real life
When you know you're hitting it tonight
"Lebolas, what do your blood shot eyes see" "Bikes and watermelon"
My favourite Gif of all time!
These Hoes aint loyal
Do you think this is a mother***ing game?
Being called "Too old to be in a metal gig"
Racist dog
Smesh bruhs
She been "training"
"And what do we say to broken bones? Not today!"
Dat seat
Hula-Hoop chapion
My gf just found a picture of my ex, spot on response.
I'm Scruffy. The janitor.
...or you have drugs ;)
The Magic Horse
It's all a matter of perspective.
This needed a fixin'
Time to dive into these spread sheets
If you need to do something stupid, at least make it look epic
Psychologists don't need 20 Questions.
Trying to hide acne with make up
When bae doesn't want to do anal because it hurts
To all rebels out there
You see krasnyy , In soviet Russia Pokemon chooses you !
Replace "I need Feminism" with "I need therapy" and it makes a whole lot more sense
When you take your girlfriend to a One D concert and you notice a friend of yours
And yes I do love having some negerboll in my mouth
stabbin trees is a sign of manliness
Real reason behind Dutch liberalism
I didn't want to sleep anyway
And I'm learning Thai...
Jesus knows supply & demand stuff
God damn Todd
OMG this trick works everytime!
Good guy Santa
Silly America
I'm not saying it was meth...
Finding the right roommate
im in the zone now
Apparently not everything.
ISIS 1 hour after crossing the russian border.
She says she's on the pill
Where Were You Between 4 and 6?
that pun though
My memory of bible camp
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