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When the ship sinks, the loyal dogs are the ones left clinging to the plank.
The others swim off to little rowing boats and watch the plank get rebuilt into a mighty ocean liner.

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When Canadians fight back, they fight back with generosity.
Tough luck, bro...
404 error
Oh, Simpsons... if only we were back at that time
Ew perv
Damn comedian quotes
You can just buy these signs on Amazon and stick them anywhere
Don't die a virgin
This day is going to be....
Bic Story
Evolution of Macaulay Culkin
"One thing led to another...."
shit friends
Good Job Detroit
LGBT history month
This is brilliant.
He posted his own death news
Well there's your problem.
Yup... Pretty Much Sums It Up
The only thing feminists are good for
Where the *** am I?
In case chess wasn't 'real' enough for you
I'm batman
Advice probably worth taking
The worst side-effect of all
Yeah... So there's a website called CornHub. You feeling Corny?
There is no love that can compare
Kyle COULD NOT WAIT when his wife said she wanted to try it on all fours tonight!
Saw this driving home from school.
$15 an hour huh.
A small clarification...
I call systematic rape
Thanks for sharing Ken...
Must be in India
Guns don't kill
who wouldn't? probably not by getting shot though
Doctor's handwriting font
We all have that friend
Don't shop lift
Irish person applies to work as a teacher in Korea.
Democracy in florida ladies and gents!
VLC has encountered a problem with windows.
Truer Words Have Never Been Spoken
Brian Griffin
Louis C.K.'s take on Rolling Stone
Whose line?
When you desperately start looking for ways to get into the club because you forgot your ID
We really don't...
Always read over your emails
Society these days
Good thing cats have 9 lives
It's not murder if there is no body
Not with that attitude you can't
Oh 90s.
Stephen Colbert nails it in this unaired segment
The only answer when someone asks "how would you know?"
Random Google Earth find.
Difference between childhood fear and adult fear
Every university needs Caroline.
Shoe Zone has sass
If all adds were like this one though
Every time
Synonym rolls...
Family fun
Airsoft safety 101
mans be like "yeah great"
Black people clothes.
Stop stereotyping men.
Interesting philosophy
When I get insulted as Support
The Purge
Sad Aquaman
Crafty indeed.
Donald Duck doesn't *** around.
Sam Lake Part 2
Be nice to frank
Hoes ain't loyal
Well that makes a lot of sense.
Oh deer
What a bold shirt.
Movie Logic
Blunt rappers.
Sex after kids
Bad Genes..They'll Get Ya'
Ford Capri generation
Conan reveals the real cost of your new iPhone.
Always gets me
Wyoming Wind Sock
Politically Correct
Get your facts straight
Urban dictionary wins