When she tells you to go deeper but you just can't.

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and they make you shit on the toilet at 2am
This guy gets it
Metal kittens
swager NOT - swagrid
You can't trust anyone nowadays as a bloody robber
Star Wars: The Arms Race
I've made a huge mistake!
Did Disney expect us not to notice?
Dad jokes
Perverted Old man
How to read this book.
Miley pls
Trick question the holy water was gasoline, kill it with fire!!!
Bed is much better.
it can also moisten fart sound
when you’re not paying attention in class and you finally look at the board
That moment you realize you failed as a parent
Walking up to a pokemon gym where you have type advantage like
Beavis and Butthead on Jersey Shore
Its all ogre now
Boss hired a new guy to deal with our seagull problem. He's handling it well.
Plottwist...it's for his mom
Ooh look its a transform...... oh
Not sure
"That's it, too much internet for today"
A special kind of stupid
Very tumblr
No-one's got more game than Tom
Local police seized a fully functional shotgun disguised as a toy gun
How to end a conversation like a boss
Tool sizes
About the Flat Earth Society
it's not easy trying to be more romantic as a kidnapper ...
Makes me laugh every time
Future Hiddenlol user
Pregnancy issues on Dragon Ball Z
Santa Face Swap.
When she wears a push-up bra
Kids :)
Well, it wasn't easy....
That stupid ***!
Genius... pure genius.
damm, she ruined it :(
false advertising
wehn sum1 ist being a lil *** on teh intrn3t
My Career in one gif
A letter from the White House
When you suddenly remember why you walked into the room
Must Send Signal
Not sure the package would fit through the door....
True narats ending
Christmas drinking game - every time somebody wears the hat, you drink.
Time to put up the lights...
Christmas Present Ideas
Urban camo Christmas edition.
cure to cancer found #3
Stabilised Star Trek
Pope Francis speaks up.
You'll get it when your older..
That's a terrible surprise.
This piece of art on a German christmas market
It's a hell of a drug...
I miss Michael
Take that clause!
Yeah, but that'll cost you $900 extra
Finally, a robot that's useful!
Revolutionary new Sauna Belt!
Expect the unexpected
Good to know
Romance food
One letter makes all the difference
Barbie does what now?
Potential and finances
Who is politely disagreing?
You're welcome Mitch
Bet he's a fat cop
When someone acts like a moral fag in a hentai discussion.
Photobumb of 2014
Megan's the dog
Me to my browser when i accidentally open a pornsite without incognito mode
He lights up the party
How the duck?
Jack and Coke
Something's not right....ohhh
Now illegal in the UK.
Yeah, no more Internet bullshit.
22.4 Megapixels of nobody cares
must be a DLC on goat simulator
Nice smokey smell
Same can be done with post karma
I can't even !
Walk naturally and you wont get brutally murdered .. - Cat sans tail
Press "F" to pay respects.
There are two types of people...
Having a bad day??