This was pointed out to me just now. The original, winged, DickButt, carved in stone. Date: 1 A.D.

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Protests in London right now.
Why is this written on your back . . .?
How freshman look at parties
Knock Knock...
Marketing done...I'm not sure
When you and your brother see there is only one slice of pizza left
No Dumping
The perfect partner
Murder Attempt 1.
best burnt out sign I've seen in person
All day, everyday....
People protesting the British porn ban get a little personal with the PM's sex life.
Very clever, Think Geek
George Carlin's infinite wisdom
Where did I go wrong?
Short people problems
TL;DR The Force Awakens
So that's how you spell it...
You won't see me again. bye.
Bathroom poll
Is that a BALL?
Hiddenlol aspires to this description
Andrew Ryan predicted the future
Fast Food Employee Problems
Dammit, so close
Unfortunate ad placement for UK clothing company
Are you -that- smooth?
Scumbag Prime Minister
Never gonna...
the Concentration of elves
Sorry Mom and Dad
My favorite movie
How I feel about certain people comments around here...
Ariana likes 'em Grande.
And he really listens when you talk (literally)
Its too easy, you know
When status have a better love life than you
Smaug Defends Himself and Talks About Spoilers
This cow is having an identity crisis
Programming problem
Best yelp review ever
Royal toilet humor courtesy of the Royal Air Force.
the slav squatter starter pack
How many adults? February adults.
Arts and crafts...
And that's why it takes 3 hours and $150 to change your headlight fluid
touch my senpai
WTF is this !!!! ???
Probably a repost of a repost of a repost, but screw it, late night browsers need a Laff to eh?
that plot
Too the point advertising in Thailand
One SERIOUSLY cordial mother***er
Making snow angles! #justgirlythings
1.26 euros per 2.54 centimeters
How to deal with break ups
[hipsterism intensifies]
Its not often that you see fables come to life.
Police would have to..cone off the crime scene
I just don't get it.
MFW Shutting down the pirate bay
when ISIS gives you an IED that only counts down to 8 seconds
Ran out of ***s to give
Ed Sheeran's diet tip
i am the law
Smart Kid
Jim Jefferies - "Actors"
when my mom asks me do clean my room
Sweet Jesus !
finally, this is why we germans check our boots
No one does..
seen at the Irish water protest in Dublin yesterday.
Two peas in a pod..
An Australian newspaper congratulates Benedict Cumberbatch on his engagement
He died, diedn`t he?
Mathematics with Facebook
Blunt promotion...
Now that all the torture architects are back in the news defending it...
Target ordered blank name badges. So they got Blank name badges
league player in a nutshell
To the girl in class who was talking about how upset when the guys at the gym "eye raped" her
Modern Feminism in a nutshell
Home Alone: The Road To Forgiveness
Morning motivation
The resemblance is uncanny
F*ck da police!
How to make your job easier - Firefighter edition
once you go black...
Kim K was ugly as ***
better needs a burn heal
much luv
Only 12$
Katie pls
Dad Builds A TV
When the kush hits
A Million Gallons of Fun