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Only time, a woman made a man a millionaire
Was when that man was a former billionaire
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not sure if summoning or earth bending. either way, let's light the torches, gents!
Curvy not Curry
This is why Russian liquor stores are never robbed
I'm too old for this shit
not so sure about president but that sound's like Daquan, alright.
Give him a break
Great upskirt though
Visiting France
Sexual Predator
But... but... it's written!
"Muhammad overwhelmed by Fundamentalists: It's tough being loved by jerks..."
Your face
Top Gear decorates their lorries
OP being OP
Dis guy
wat does he wat
Things that come after 69
Taxis don't stop for privileges
Beta as hell
Bark bark
Those poor tumblr feminists
Wise words for the great thinker of the past
No religion should be free from criticism.
Your offering is acceptable
Anyone from New England can agree with this.
Just lion on the hard cold ground
That is the most genuine expression of despair I've ever seen on a manufactured piece of metal
2000$ egg fail
When people buy multiple festival tickets just to up sell them.
Every guy knows.....
Winter is here.
Those vertices
I want to be yours again
It's sharp as hell
I don't see how this is a problem.
when nieces and nephews come over for family holidays
But with camels and AK47
Oh Deadpool... ;)
Embroidered Towel
No, you first.
that awkward moment when you forget to check your privilege
Nepotism is rare, but appreciated in certain circles.
All the normal Muslims, who aren't terrorists, today.
Little blonde lesbian
When ur watching hentai and skipped right into the good part
goty just in 2 days
Something....Something.....Final Form.
snoop getting burned as his blunts
Thanks for the suggestion but maybe you should try adding a hyphen next time.
James and the Giant....
Went for a client meeting at Innocent and saw this
I've seen and heard of some crazy weather in Canada but this is just madness !!
How to make a poster child
To all the Jihadists out there
As a newbie skater. The secrets must be told
Become Responsible.
Come again?
Too soon?
They must have really enjoyed the "plants increase productivity" study here in China
You can find some gems in English newspaper missed connections.
Can't sleep, princess will eat me. Can't sleep, princess will eat me.
Being tall has certain advantages...
Not feeling comfortable at all
Yo dawg! I heard you like trees...
Keep at it
Now bend over
It's on Netflix...
Honesty. It gets you rejected
Blank Space
what a time to be alive
Do you even labour?
Best weather app ever.
The rare treadle-shark
Reading customer questions about a laptop
Best feature
A romantic poem.
Bruce got them Dad jokes
It's not you, it's me.
This is why we can't have nice things
This guy unexpectedly became someones wingman
"So Idris, could you describe your background for us?"
Let's all go hunting
Do you dig graves?
Uncle Makes movie props.. Why not cradles? and so he did
Portal.exe crashed
"Is that Doritos on your hands? gimme some!"
Every time while playing Pokemon.
Astronaut humour... Please don't exceed 28,000 km/h
Local sheriff's office posted a picture of a detainee today.
Asia, nuff said
when you late to da meet but still tryna park next to ya squad
dog logic